
  • 网络marketing efficiency
  1. 略谈提高现代企业营销效率三要素

    Study on Three Factors of Marketing Efficiency Improvement for Modern Enterprise

  2. 注重营销效率提升企业竞争实力

    Emphasize Marketing Efficiency and Raise Enterprise 's Competitive Power

  3. 我国物流业的宏观营销效率研究

    On the Macromarketing Efficiency of Logistics Industry in China

  4. 信息传递障碍与营销效率研究

    Study on Barrier to Information Transition and Marketing Efficiency

  5. 只有这样才能使中国银行网上银行业务发展得到快速提升,有效提高网上银行营销效率。

    Therefore , the performance of on-line banking business in Bank of China can be improved rapidly and efficiency .

  6. 在市场经济环境下,企业营销效率已经成为影响和制约企业竞争实力的关键因素。

    Under circumstances of market economy , enterprise 's marketing efficiency has become key factor to influence and limit its competitive power .

  7. 现今分销主渠道是保险中介,中介的主要两种形式是保险代理人和经纪人,在提高保险营销效率方面发挥着重要的作用。

    The main distribution channels refer to insurance intermediaries , usually an insurance agent or broker , between the buyer and the insurer .

  8. 为了进一步提升服务营销效率和维护、开拓客户,各企业纷纷推出一项新服务举措&电话营销。

    To further enhance the efficiency and maintenance services marketing , pioneering customers , the companies have introduced a new service initiative - telemarketing .

  9. 本文最后指出,要把营销效率提升工作看作一项系统工程进行落实,有措施、按计划开展整改工作,只有这样才能取得实效。

    This article concludes that improving marketing efficiency should work as a system project , carrying out the rectification work as planned , this is the only way to get the actual results .

  10. 从成本效益、营销效率、竞争效果、服务质量和网站推广五个方面设计了钢铁企业电子商务营销的绩效评价指标体系,并建立了模糊综合评价模型。

    Then , the performance assessment index system on e-commerce marketing in iron and steel enterprises is designed in term of costs benefit , marketing efficiency , competitive effect , service quality and website popularity . And a fuzzy synthetic assessment model is established .

  11. 将利用电子商务进一步强化XX网络营销的效率,创造出赢利的电子商务溉念。

    The introduction of e-commerce into XX 's business will make net marketing business enjoy a higher efficiency and gain profit .

  12. 提高信用卡营销渠道效率研究

    Improving the Efficiency of Credit Card Marketing Channels

  13. 提高城市营销的效率,必须全方位对城市政府营销能力进行加强和培育。

    The validity of city marketing lies in an all-around improve - ment of city government marketing capacity .

  14. 三是创造性地运用市场集中度模型对我国营销管理效率进行了实证分析,并提出对策建议。

    Third is positive analysis on marketing efficiency of China in use of CRn model , which is followed by countermeasures and suggestions .

  15. 如何提高营销的效率,防范与控制房地产营销风险,是业界专家与学者重点研究的课题。

    It is a significant subject for experts and scholars to study how to improve marketing efficiency , to prevent and control marketing risks .

  16. 企业的分销渠道策略,直接影响到企业的营销速度和效率。

    Business strategy of distribution channels has direct impact on the speed and efficiency of marketing .

  17. 系统将客户分析结果回馈到销售和售后服务环节,以提高营销和服务效率。

    System feedback analysis of customer to sales and service sectors , to improve marketing and service efficiency .

  18. 这个房间有一半人看上去符合被一个大公司雇用去帮助他们的营销人员提高效率的形象。

    Half the room seemed to fit the image of someone a major organization would hire to help their sales staff become more effective .

  19. 其中,基层行是整个组织中实施整体发展战略的前沿阵地,它不可避免的面临着来自发展规划、市场营销、管理效率以及风险控制等诸多方面的压力。

    Bank of grass-root is the forward position of overall development strategy implementation in the whole organization . It is inevitably faced with a lot of pressure from development planning , marketing , management efficiency , risk control and so on .

  20. Kindle之所以超过索尼阅读器和Nook,不只是因为亚马逊的营销能力和生产效率。

    It did not overtake the Sony Reader and the Nook merely because of Amazon 's marketing power and manufacturing efficiency .

  21. 主要体现在各应用系统中的数据应用不充分,数据共享不完全,数据保存期不一致,数据查询不方便,缺乏一对一的营销建议、营销效率低,营销评估不到位等问题。

    All these imply that there are no sufficient data applications mainly in the application system . Incomplete data sharing , inconsistent data retention period and inconvenient data query still exists in its development .

  22. 随着21世纪市场竞争的日益激烈,营销渠道的运行效率更加直接影响着企业的市场地位,因此企业管理者及学术界对渠道的关注持续升温,渠道管理研究在各个行业的应用日益增多。

    With the intense marketing competition in 21st century , channel 's operating efficiency affects enterprise 's status more directly . Therefore superintendents of enterprises and academic scholars pay more attention to channels . What 's more , application study on channel management increases day by day in each industry .

  23. 目的是降低营销成本,提高营销效率,进行针对性较强的组合营销。

    Its purpose is to reduce the marketing cost , improving the efficiency of marketing , and the marketing combination of strong .

  24. 通过精准化的流量营销不仅可以提高营销效率,还能够对用户流量行为加以引导,实现用户流量持续、稳定的增长。

    Accurate traffic marketing can not only improve marketing efficiency , it is possible to guide the user traffic behavior , user traffic continues to achieve steady growth .

  25. 终端管理继续实行精细化管理,在部分区域实行商务与终端分开管理的营销管理模式,提高营销效率。

    The terminal is managed continuing putting refinement administration into practice , In the part , area puts business affairs and the terminal into practice splitting the administrative Marketing Management pattern , improves camp selling efficiency .

  26. 另一方面,企业的网站里记录了大量的用户注册信息、浏览信息,如何利用这些信息,从中挖掘出用户的浏览规律,与电子邮件营销发布系统相结合,是提高营销效率的研究方向。

    On the other hand , there are many records about the users ' log-in information and browsing information in the enterprise 's database .

  27. 随着企业对营销渠道的不断改进,各种营销渠道效率的差异日益明显,已成为空调生产企业市场营销中具有决定性影响的重要因素。

    With the continuous improvement in the marketing channel , the efficiency difference between different marketing channels has become more and more obviously , it has been a crucial factor of air-condition 's marketing .

  28. 品牌二手车运作必须实现信息化,建立高效的内部二手车管理体系并与外部营销平台结合提高内部管理和营销的效率,提高库存周转,降低经营风险。

    Brand-used-car must operate to achieve development , establish efficient used car management system and with external marketing platform to improve internal efficiency in management and marketing , improve inventory turnover and reduce business risk .

  29. 但是,微观层面的农产品营销体系并不完善,农产品营销的交易效率低,小生产与大市场的矛盾仍然异常突出。

    However , the micro-level agricultural marketing system is not perfect , the low efficiency of agricultural marketing deal , the " small production and big market " contradictions still stands out .

  30. 中冶重机公司市场营销存在诸多问题,影响了公司市场营销工作效率和效果。

    The marketing works of MCC heavy machinery includes many problems which has influence the effectiveness & impression for marketing activities .