
yíng wèi bù hé
  • disharmony between ying and wei
营卫不和[yíng wèi bù hé]
  1. 目的:临床研究营卫不和型失眠与睡眠-醒觉周期体温变化的关系。

    Objective : By clinical research to study the relation between insomnia of nutritive Qi and defensive Qi disharmony syndrome and temperature changes in sleep-wake cycle .

  2. 汗证是指人体阴阳失调,营卫不和,腠理开阖不利而引起汗液外泄的病证。

    Sweating syndrome is that yin and yang of human disorders , disharmony of ying and wei , disfunction of the striae caused sweat leak syndrome .