
  • 网络Marketing Science
  1. 发源于于西方的营销科学及实践,其在中国本土化的实践说明了市场营销必须具有个性化和实践性的特征。

    Rising in western marketing science and practice , its practice in China 's localization has proved the marketing must have characteristic of individualization and practicality .

  2. 管理、营销科学技术的日渐发达,经营秘密对于企业提高运作效率、改善经营管理的作用日趋明显,为权利人带来的竞争优势是可观的,已成为众多企业垂涎的利益之源。

    Management , marketing science increasingly developed , the business secret to improve enterprise efficiency , improve management effect is apparent with each passing day , for the right person to bring competitive advantage is substantial , is the great intangible assets .

  3. 为此要以产品整体概念来规划中国画的营销,科学定位,实现差异化营销。

    Programming the marketing of Chinese draw by the concept of the whole of products , positioning accurately , realizing the marketing difference .

  4. 跨媒体的营销模式和科学的管理机制也为DM杂志的生存和规范提供有力的支持。

    Cross-media marketing and scientific management is a strong support for the survival of DM magazine .

  5. 电力营销中的科学化流程管理与应用

    Scientific Process of Management and Application for Electric Power Marketing

  6. 对营销队伍进行科学管理,以充分激励营销人员做出更好的业绩;

    By running the marketing personnel scientifically .

  7. 企业面临市场的多维风险,决定了企业对市场营销组合策略科学性的依赖。

    Facing diversified risk from market , it decides the scientific dependence of enterprises on marketing mix strategy .

  8. 有效的营销网络、科学的管理机制赢得了广大消费者和经销商的信赖与支持。

    Effective business network and scientific state-of-the-art management have won the trust and support of many consumers and dealers for this company .

  9. 在以数据分析为中心的领域里,如风险管理、市场营销和研究科学,与大数据有关的众多机会早已获得充分利用,不过这种应用实际上没有止境。

    Big data opportunities are already being exploited in data-centered pursuits like risk management , marketing , and research science , but the applications are virtually limitless .

  10. 本文主要通过对营销渠道的科学管理理论及方法进行研究,探析许继集团营销渠道管理要点及措施。

    In this paper , through study on the marketing channels and methods based on scientific management theory , particularly take XJ Group as the main case .

  11. 柳青不愿具体透露苹果和滴滴未来将如何合作,但她表示可能的领域包括产品集成、市场营销和数据科学。

    Ms Liu would not disclose specifics of how Apple and Didi would collaborate , but she said product integration , marketing and data science were possible areas .

  12. 加强药品销售过程控制,优化资金账户管理,构建现代信息技术平台,使终端营销财务管理科学化。

    To strengthen the control in the process of selling medicine , we should optimize the management of bank account and construct modern information technique level to make the final marketing scientifically .

  13. 本文为产品决策提供新的方法,旨在为制定和实施明确的发展战略、产品创新战略、市场营销战略提供科学的依据。

    This paper gave a new method for the product decision-making , which would provide scientific basis for lying down and implementing the development strategy , the product innovation strategy and the marketing strategy .

  14. 针对这样的实际需要,试图通过产品定价与促销中的若干决策优化问题的研究,获得一些能够指导企业进行市场营销决策的科学理论和方法。

    Focusing on such practical needs , this paper attempts to study a variety of decision-making optimization problems in pricing and promotion , and to get some implications that give guideline to marketing management .

  15. 具体表现为寿险营销理念不科学、产品开发战略不合理、营销人员整体素质较低、营销渠道和促销手段单一、以及销售管理流程不规范等问题。

    Specifically , unscientific marketing concept , product development strategy unreasonable , the lower the quality of the marketing staff , marketing channels and promotions were single , and sales management processes were not standardized .

  16. 作为测量人类意识行为的有效工具,视线跟踪技术正逐渐受到神经认知学、心理学、工业工程、市场营销和计算机科学等诸多领域的普遍关注。

    As an effective tool to measure human behavior of consciousness , eye gaze tracking technology has been widely concerned by researchers from a lot of fields such as cognitive neuroscience , psychology , industrial engineering , marketing and computer science .

  17. 要想对营销风险进行科学的评价,首先应建立科学的评价指标体系,因此,营销风险评价指标体系的构建及对营销风险的量化综合评价方法是本论文的重点。

    To carry on a scientific processing to the marketing risk , a scientific appraisal system should be established firstly , therefore , the construction of risk appraisal system and quantification appraisal method to the marketing risk is the key point of this paper .

  18. 戏曲和戏曲电影除了要依靠政府的支持领导,还要加强自身创作,并通过市场营销学来科学分析目标市场,提出一些有针对性的营销对策。

    Besides depending on the support and lead of government , the Chinese opera and Chinese opera film production should be improved ; meanwhile , the target market should be analyzed scientifically with marketing methods , and then the pointed marketing strategy should be made .

  19. 创新品牌营销模式,通过科学有效的品牌推广工作进行品牌营销在当前烟草行业形势下具有重要意义。

    Innovative brand marketing mode is of significance in the current situation of Tabaco industry through the scientific and effective brand promotion work .

  20. 应该通过准确的城市定位、合理的城市规划建设以及有效的招商引资把城市营销真正引到科学的轨道上来。

    We should make proper city positioning , reasonable city planning and construction , and effective investments invitation to draw the city marketing to the correct way .

  21. 但是,民营医院要做到可持续发展,必须引入现代营销管理理念,科学管理,努力提高医疗服务质量,提供优质的医疗服务。

    However , to achieve sustainable development , non-public hospitals must introduce the modern concept of marketing management , advocate scientific management , and strive to improve the quality of medical services .

  22. 在市场营销中,建立科学的合理的高效的物流供应链,可以提高企业客户服务水平,大幅降低物流成本;

    Establishing scientific , reasonable and effective supply chain management in the course of marketing will improve the service provided by enterprises to their clients , and will to great extent reduce the logistical cost as well .

  23. 如何在整个市场营销的框架下科学的制定销售促销组合和销售促销策略去实现既定销售目标,如何最大限度的提高销售促销资金的投资回报成为企业决策者必须要面对的问题。

    How to make sales promotion policy scientifically so as to shoot the target of sales volume , to maximize the return on the investment of sales promotion becomes a question that business managers have to answer .

  24. 通过以上分析找到电影贴片广告的目标市场,并对市场进行准确的定位,制定出相应的市场营销策略,以便科学、有效地运作电影贴片广告市场。

    Found the goal market of the film advertisement through above analysis , and carries on the accurate localization to the market as well as formulate the corresponding marketing strategy in order to operate the film advertisement market effectively and scientifically .

  25. 同时也量出为入,通过组合生产、营销、价格,科学的设计资金回笼计划,保证整个项目的资金投入及时、安全的回笼。

    Also " mete out for go into ", pass strategies , such as combination marketing , price and sale * etc. , the design funds of science returns a plan , the funds that promises the whole item throws in time , the safety return .

  26. 与国外银行相比,国内银行业公司业务影响仍处于初级阶段,浅尝于产品营销和服务营销,缺乏科学的市场营销体系。

    Compared with foreign banks , the business impact of the domestic banking sector the company is still in its infancy , the taste of the product marketing and services marketing , the lack of scientific marketing system .

  27. 现代的营销管理是体现市场营销系统性、科学性的管理科学分支之一。

    Modern Marketing Management is one of the administration science branch embodying the marketing and sales systematicness , scientificalness .

  28. 并且针对电力设备自动化行业的特点进一步阐明用4Rs营销理论来指导NC公司市场营销策略的科学性及适用性。

    According to the special characters of electric power industry this paper clarifies the scientificity and suitability of using 4R 's ( relevancy , retrenchment , relationship , and reward ) marketing theory .

  29. 本文最后通过营销策略的实施效果来检验营销研究的科学性和可操作性,使理论与实践相互映证。

    It make the theories and practice mutually be in .

  30. 品牌资产是国际营销学术领域的热点问题,也是美国营销科学院多年来优先资助的研究课题。

    Brand equity is a hot issue of the field of international marketing research , and it is also a priority research subject for the past many years that is subsidized by Marketing Science Institute .