
  • 网络shipping management
  1. 构建高职港口与航运管理专业课程体系的思考

    Reflection on the Construction of Curriculum System of Port and Shipping Management Major

  2. 第五章是船舶航海信息在航运管理决策上的应用。

    Chapter five deals with the application of shipping marine information to shipping management decision .

  3. 本论文以辽宁航运管理集成信息系统为项目背景,提出基于软件构件设计模式进行MIS系统丌发。

    In the development of the project " Shipping Integrated Information System " , a design model of based on software component to develop MIS is gave .

  4. 三是航运管理体制不顺;

    The third reason was the chaos of inland management system ;

  5. 第三部分初步分析了民初重庆航运管理的变化。

    The third was the perfection of shipping manage system .

  6. 澳大利亚国际航运管理体系纵览

    An overview of Australian International Shipping Administrative Management System

  7. 各要素间的相互关系就体现在国际航运管理活动中各自不同的地位或作用上,由此构成了国际航运行政管理活动中彼此之间相互联系、相互配合、相互制约的行政管理体系。

    These essentials act on international shipping administrative activity and constitute a system of administration .

  8. 本研究采用职务分析中的人员取向问卷方法,对276名海员和航运管理人员进行了问卷调查。

    The worker-oriented questionnaire method in job analysis was used to survey 276 seafarers and sea-transport managers .

  9. 船舶航海信息对于航运管理起着重要的作用。

    Studied from the angle of Information changing , shipping marine information plays an important role in shipping management decision .

  10. 本文试图在这样一个大背景下,就航运管理系统的信息处理问题展开探讨。

    Under such a background , this paper attempts to discuss those problems related to the information processing of Marine Management System .

  11. 通过分析船员调配方案中存在的问题,着重阐述了现代航运管理中船员调配方案的设计思想和具体实现技术。

    This paper analysis the problems in the seaman dispatching and management , and discusses the designing idea and realizing technology of the seaman dispatching and management in the present sea transportation .

  12. 通过评估,对该船风险的主要因素提出了控制方案和供决策的建议,某些结论对同类船舶航运管理具有一定参考价值。

    The risk restraining projects and the suggestions to decision-making which aim at the main factors of risk of ship are given through this evaluation , and some conclusions are worthy of reference to the ship management .

  13. 中国古代航海文献是航海文化的一面镜子,其内容涵盖各个历史时期航海活动的航区、航海工具、航海科技、航运管理等,涉及大量航海术语。

    As a mirror of navigational culture , ancient Chinese navigational literature covers the navigational areas , tools , science and technology and administration of marine navigation in each historical period , including plenty of navigational terms .

  14. 由于内河运力供给市场与需求市场信息不对称,再加上受到航道建设、港口布置、货物运量、航运管理体制等一系列因素的影响,致使我国内河航运市场存在运力结构不合理的现象。

    As the reason of lacking of information and be affected by channels construction , port programming , goods quantity , inland water transportation system and so on , the inland water transportation market exists the unreasonable phenomenon of transportation capacity in our country .

  15. 这些实践表明,通过利用信息技术的手段,可以最大限度地优化航运管理、提供公共服务、提升航运安全、提高运输效率,引领航道朝现代化管理与主动性服务方向转变。

    The practice shows that through the information technology it can optimize the waterway transportation management , provide public services , improve the safety of waterway transportation , raise the efficiency of transportation to the largest extent . This develops the modern management and proactive services of the waterway .

  16. 降雨径流预报的预测结果是制定水资源系统运行方案的基础并可以广泛地应用在防治洪水、干旱保护、环境保护、水库调度、水电站运行、航运管理和水资源分配等领域中。

    The result of rainfall-runoff forecasting is required for effective hydropower reservoir management and scheduling . It can be widely used in many fields such as flood control , drought protecting , environment protecting , operation of reservoir , running of hydropower station , ship management and water resource distribution .

  17. 国际航运业务管理专业人才需求调研与分析

    The research and analysis about needs of international shipping business management professionals

  18. 四是航运安全管理法律、法规尚不健全。

    Four is a shipping safety management the law , laws is still not sound .

  19. 上海航运交易所管理规定

    Provisions on Managing Shanghai Shipping Trade House

  20. 精益航运成本管理探讨

    On the Lean Shipping Cost Management

  21. 该系统适合于航运企业管理现代化和高层次人才培养的需要。

    The system is fit for the modernization of shipping management and fostering the high-level talents .

  22. 我国国际航运行政管理体系结构研究航行国际航线船舶代理费收项目和标准

    System Structure of Chinese International Shipping Administration Charges and Standard of Agent for Ships Sailing in International Route

  23. 欧盟内河航运市场管理法律政策及对我国的启示研究

    Research on the European Inland Waterway Shipping Market Management Legal Regime and Related Policies and the Enlightening to Our Country

  24. 因此开发一套以市场为导向,以客户为中心的总体经营战略,以信息共享为基础,以市场营销为核心的航运信息管理平台,将成为航运企业信息化建设的重要举措。

    Thus to develop a set of market-oriented and customer-centered strategy is going to be an important action of shipping enterprise growing .

  25. 航运公司管理信息系统的研究与开发&晴川公司管理信息系统的设计及实现

    The Study and Exploitation on Shipping Company Management Information System & The Design and Exploitation on Management Information System of Qingchuan Company

  26. 上述评估理论及采用的数学方法可作为航运企业管理人员理财和资产评估专业人士从事此方面资产评估的参考。

    The valuation theory and the mathematic methods mentioned in the thesis could be used as references for the shipping enterprise administer and the appraiser .

  27. 我院国际航运业务管理专业主要培养面向现代航运服务业的高素质技能型专门人才。

    The international shipping management is one of the leading major professionals for the training of the high-quality skills of modern shipping services personnel in our college .

  28. 本文利用经济学规律和航运投资管理的知识,结合实际船舶投资工作,利用实际案例结合经济论的分析实践,对从事航运投资管理的决策者以及相关方面的人士具有一定的参考价值。

    The paper is an outcome of the theory and practice , which will provide useful reference for the decision-makers engaged in shipping investment and so on .

  29. 尤其是欧美国家在内河航运业管理中大力推广科技信息技术的应用,改变了传统的生产方式和管理手段。

    In Europe and USA , science and information technology have been widely promoted and applied in the inland waterway transportation , which changes the traditional production mode and management method .

  30. 该公式对航运交通管理、运营、船舶运输组织都具有一定实用价值,同时给航道部门进行航道规划和建设提供一定的科学依据。

    This formula has the certainly practical value for the shipping traffic control , the operation , the ships transportation system and provides certain scientific basis for sea-route department 's plan and construction .