
  • 网络double pulse;dual pulse;Pulse-on-Pulse;TWIN PULSE
  1. 一种新颖的程控双脉冲信号源

    A New Twin Pulse Signal Source with Program Control

  2. 基于DSP的铝合金双脉冲焊工艺过程优化

    Process optimization of aluminum-alloy double pulse welding

  3. 双脉冲TEACO2激光器电路参数的选择

    Selection of Circuit Parameters in the Double-pulsed TEA CO_2 Laser

  4. 双脉冲驱动锗薄膜靶高增益X射线激光实验

    Experiment of high gain X-ray laser from double-pulse driven Ge foil target

  5. 支持高速城域无线IP接入的双脉冲预约协议

    Double-pulse reservation protocol for high-speed metropolitan wireless IP access

  6. 双脉冲调Q激光器电源抗干扰问题

    The Problem of Anti-interference on Double Pulses Q-Switch Laser Supply

  7. ZnO的双脉冲电流冲击老化破坏试验

    Degradation and Destruction Test of ZnO Varistors under Double-Pulse Current

  8. 基于DSP的单脉冲焊及双脉冲焊全数字控制系统的研究

    Study of full digital control system based on DSP for PMIG & double PMIG welding inverter

  9. 短间隔双脉冲调Q红宝石激光器的设计

    Design Concept of Short-separation Double-pulse Q-modulated Ruby Laser

  10. 采用旋转圆盘电极,用双脉冲电位法从简单的镀液中电沉积Cu-Ni层状材料。

    A method has been developed to produce Cu-Ni composition-modulated alloys from a simple electrolyte by electrodeposition .

  11. μs时间间隔红宝石双脉冲Q开关激光器的动力学过程

    The Dynamic Process of a Q Switched Double Pulse Ruby Laser With μ s Time Separation

  12. 去甲肾上腺素及拮抗剂、氟哌啶醇对大鼠海马CA3区双脉冲反应的影响

    Effects of norepinephrine and its antagonists , haloperidol on paired-pulse responses in rat hippocampus CA_3 , region in vitro

  13. 双脉冲变极性波形对铝合金TIG焊焊接质量的影响

    Effect on aluminum-alloy TIG welding quality of double pulse modulated variable polarity waveform

  14. 双脉冲Ni-Al2O3复合镀层在氯化物盐膜下的腐蚀

    Corrosion of Double-Pulsed Ni-Al_2O_3 Composite Coatings Under the Presence of Chloride Deposit

  15. 铝硅合金双脉冲MIG焊专家数据库

    Study on expert database of double pulse MIG welding for Al-Si alloy

  16. 数字控制铝合金双脉冲MIG焊工艺的研究

    The Study of Digital Controlled Double PMIG Welding Process for Aluminium Alloy

  17. 标签毫米波高分辨雷达距离像双脉冲伸缩处理直接数字合成(DDS)。

    MMW high resolution radar range profile two-step stretch processing method direct digital synthesis ( DDS ) .

  18. 双脉冲、双波长巨脉冲Cr∶LiSAF激光器

    Generation of Dual Wavelength and Dual Pulse in a Q-switched Cr ∶ LiSAF Laser

  19. 针对损坏的原因,新设计了一款IGBT驱动电路,并搭建了双脉冲实验平台。

    According to the cause , design a new IGBT driver and build a double pulse experimental platform .

  20. 工艺参数对铝合金双脉冲MIG焊焊缝成形的影响

    Influence of processing parameters on weld forming in double-pulse MIG welding of aluminum alloy

  21. 诊断结果为双脉冲驱动薄膜靶高增益X射线激光实验选择最佳的实验条件提供了实验依据。

    The diagnostic results are the basis of selecting the optimum conditions for the gain experiment of the X-ray laser generated from foil-Ge target driven by double-laser pulse .

  22. 双脉冲MIG焊对2195Al-Li合金焊缝组织及性能的影响

    Effects of the synergic-pulsed MIG welding on the microstructure and properties of 2195 Al-Li alloy welds

  23. 在钟形双脉冲激励下,观察了DH激光器的电荷存储效应。

    The charge storage in DH laser driven by pairs of bell-shape pulse current has been investigated .

  24. 基于遗传算法的最优Lambert双脉冲转移

    Optimal Lambert two-impulse transfer using genetic algorithm

  25. 双脉冲ESPI中高速图象采集的同步控制方法

    The Synchronous Control Method for High Speed Image Collecting in Double Pulse ESPI

  26. 利用以大功率双脉冲激光器为光源的PIV技术,测定了由扁平射流和尖劈组成的二维振荡射流流场。

    The two dimensional oscillating flowfield of jet splitter system is measured by PIV technique which use double pulsed lasers .

  27. 设计了一种用于ps级单脉冲变换到双脉冲的光纤光栅(FBG)。

    A fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) which could transform a single pico-second optical pulse to a doubled optical pulse pair was designed by using Fourier transformation method .

  28. 马桑内酯点燃大鼠海马脑片CA1区的双脉冲抑制观察

    Observation of Paired pulse Depression in CA_ 1 Region of Hippocampal Slices from Coriaria Lactone kindled Rats

  29. 双脉冲镀对低温熔融盐镀Al-Mn合金层的影响

    Effect of dual-pulses on Al-Mn alloy coatings on iron electrodeposited with a low temperature molten salt bath

  30. 在闪光灯抽运Cr∶LiSAF激光器中插入棱镜分束器获得了860~920nm可调谐双脉冲、双波长巨脉冲激光输出。

    In this paper , a flashlamp-pumped Cr ∶ LiSAF laser system with a prism splitter to obtain dual pulse and dual wavelength laser output has been designed .