
sǔn hào jiǎo
  • loss angle
损耗角[sǔn hào jiǎo]
  1. XLPE电缆绝缘介质损耗角正切测试方法的探讨

    On the Measurement of Tangent of Dielectric Loss Angle in XLPE Cables

  2. 该系统可根据加载介质前后圆柱谐振腔的谐振频率和品质因数,计算出被测材料的相对介电常数εr′和损耗角正切tanδ。

    According to the frequency and the quality factor of the cylindrical cavity unloaded and loaded , the system can calculate the permittivity ε′ _r and the loss angle tangent tan δ of the materials being tested .

  3. 添加GOD的面团弹性模量增大,粘性模量和损耗角正切减小;

    The dough with GOD increased the storage modulus and reduced the loss modulus and the loss tangent .

  4. 研究了SiC(N)纳米粉体的介电常数和介电损耗角正切与粉体组成的关系。

    The microwave permittivity of the mixture of the SiC ( N ) nano powder with paraffin wax was measured .

  5. 基于DFT频域校正的介质损耗角测量算法

    Measurement of dielectric loss based on discrete Fourier transform spectrum correcting algorithms

  6. 用DP-Ⅱ型介电谱仪进行介电性能测量,得出:共聚物母料的介电常数εr值较高,损耗角正切tanδ的α和β两个峰叠合成一个。

    The dielectric properties of the sample so obtained were investigated with a DP - I dielectric spectra detector .

  7. 利用该系统能快速、准确、自动地测出低、中耗介质的折射率n和损耗角正切tgδ。

    By means of this system , dielectric parameters n and tg δ of medium and low loss dielectric sample can be measured rapidly , accurately and automatically .

  8. 与聚苯胺相比,镍铁氧体/聚苯胺复合材料的介电损耗角正切tanδε值与磁损耗角正切tanδm值都增大。

    Dielectric loss tangent and magnetic loss tangent of the nickel ferrite / polyaniline composites are higher than those of the polyaniline .

  9. 结果表明:木粉含量、偶联剂和双螺杆挤出机的螺杆转速都对复合材料的存储模量(E′)和损耗角正切值(tanδ)有一定影响。

    The results show that the mechanical properties of composites are affected by wood flour loading , coupling agent and rotation speed of the double screws of extruder .

  10. 相应地,对表征其介电特性的参数如介电常数ε、损耗角正切tanδ等的测试技术研究也日益受到人们的重视。

    Accordingly , test technology on the characterization of their dielectric property parameters such as dielectric constant , dissipation factor has also been paid increasing attention .

  11. 介质损耗角正切tgδ的测试是电气设备绝缘监督的一项重要措施.做好介质损耗的测量对于发现电气设备绝缘隐患,保证电气设备的安全运行有着重要意义。

    The testing of medium wear-angle tangent tg δ is an important measure to monitor insulation of electrical machines , and also benefits the safe operation of electrical equipments .

  12. 以相对介电常数和损耗角正切为输入特征参数,应用BP神经网络技术识别桃的新鲜度等级,平均识别率为82%。

    Furthermore , BP neural network technology was used to identify freshness of peaches when relative dielectric constant and loss tangent were selected as input characteristic parameters . Results showed the average distinguishing rate was 82 % .

  13. 该测试装置能够完成的测试功能相当于:RLC测试仪、介质损耗角测试仪、MOA测试仪、电气参数测试仪、直流电阻测试仪以及电表校验仪。

    The functions of this meter include RLC meter , dielectric loss angel meter , MOA meter , electric meter , direct-resistance meter and check gauge .

  14. 详细说明了利用高压西林电桥和高压标准电容器测量电力电容器的电容和介质损耗角正切(Tanδ)的原理;扩大量程的途径及注意事项;

    The measurement principle for the capacitance and loss angle tangent of dielectric ( Tan δ) of power capacitor used by a high-voltage SCHERING bridge and a high-voltage standard capacitor are introduced in detail .

  15. 在低温段(-10~40℃),随着老化时间的增加,损耗角正切tanδ值有明显下降,β松弛峰也越来越明显。

    In the range of low temperature ( - 10 ~ 40 ℃), the values of tan δ obviously decrease and the peaks of β relaxation become more clear with increase of aging time .

  16. 分析高电压介质损耗角数字化测量中谐波及干扰信号等误差因素,探讨零相差FIR滤波器设计,采用傅里叶变换等数字处理方法,使用DSP系统测量介质的损耗角,并给出有关计算结果。

    This article discussed the error factors of the harmonic and interferences in the high voltage fields for digital measuring dielectric loss of insulator , approach methods of zero phase FIR filter and Fourier transform , using digital signal process system , in measurement .

  17. 在1kHz频率时,随温度升高,体系的损耗角正切逐渐增大。

    The loss angle tangent of composites increases with the temperature rising under 1 kHz frequency .

  18. 用该方法测量了磁控溅射法制备的3个BST薄膜样品,结果显示BST薄膜介电常数在500左右,损耗角在10-2数量级,分析得出测量总误差为15.4%。

    Three specimen of BST thin film by magnetron sputtering are measured at X-band frequency using this method , and the results show the dielectric constant is around 500 and loss tangent is 10-2 with an error of 15.4 % .

  19. 采用动态力学分析(DMA)测试了树脂体系的存储模量与损耗角正切随温度变化关系,计算了树脂的交联度,分析存在形状记忆效应的条件。

    The variation of the storage modulus and loss tangent along with the temperature for the resin system was determined by dynamic mechanics analysis ( DMA ) . The cross-linking degree of resin system was calculated and the condition of shape memory effect existing was analyzed .

  20. SBS用量与稳定剂用量对改性沥青材料的动态力学性能影响显著,随SBS和稳定剂用量的增加,改性沥青的复合模量增大,损耗角正切随温度升高而趋于不变;

    The amounts of SBS and stabilizer had great effect on the dynamic mechanical properties of SBS modified asphalt . The complex modulus of modified binders increased with the increase of amounts of SBS and stabilizer , and tan δ trend to be low and unchange at high temperature .

  21. 为研制适用于军用及其他特别设备的超大型铝电解电容器CDIN120V-100000μFφ100mm×250mm产品,分析了影响铝电解电容器损耗角正切的各种因素。

    To develop a super-sized aluminum electrolytic capacitor ( CDIN 120 V-100000 μ F ,φ 100 mm × 250 mm ) for military purpose and other special equipments , the factors affecting its dissipation were analyzed . Based on the investigation on electrolyte ;

  22. 虚拟介质损耗角在线检测仪的研制

    Research on Virtual Instrument for On-line Measurement of Dielectric Loss Tangent

  23. 双极性过零比较法在线监测绝缘介质损耗角

    Double Polarity Crossing Zero Comparative Method for On-line Monitoring tan δ

  24. 基于改进基波相位分离法的介质损耗角测量

    Dielectric Loss Angle Measurement Based on Improved Fundamental Harmonic Separation Algorithm

  25. 高电压绝缘介质损耗角测量的数字处理

    Digital Processing for Measuring Dielectric Loss of High Voltage Insulator

  26. 关于修改电介质损耗角定义的建议

    Suggestion for Revising the Definition of the Dielectric Loss Angle

  27. 高精度介质损耗角实时在线测量方法

    High precision real-time on-line measurement method of dielectric loss angle

  28. 信号的取样方式对介质损耗角测量的影响

    Influence of signal sampling mode on dielectric loss angle measurement

  29. 不均匀介质相对介电常数和介质损耗角正切的计算

    Calculation for Relative Dielectric Constant and Dielectric Loss Tangent of Heterogeneous Dielectric

  30. 不均匀介质损耗角正切的计算

    Calculation for Dielectric Loss Tangent of Heterogeneous Dielectric