
sǔn shī ɡū jì
  • Loss estimate;estimated amount of damage
  1. 你们对地震中遭受的损失估计严重不足。

    We had a serious underestimate of losses in the earthquake .

  2. GIS在地震预报、地震灾害和损失估计中的应用

    The Application of GIS in Seismic Forecast , Seismic Disasters and Loss Assessment

  3. 根据一家金融预报机构IHSGlobalInsight称,飓风桑迪造成的损失估计为200亿美元,外加300亿美元的商业损失。

    Damages caused by Hurricane Sandy are estimated at $ 20 billion , plus $ 30 billion more in lost business , according to IHS Global Insight , a financial forecaster .

  4. 对宽带传输网络的生存性的定量分析方法及灾难造成的损失估计方法提出了新的构思,最后对增强宽带传输网的SDH/ATM自愈技术设计方法作了详细讨论。

    At last , this paper presents some new ideas considering networks survivability assessment and quantification analysis for Broadband transmission networks survivability and discusses various kinds of SDH / ATM self-healing technologies in detail .

  5. 大蒜叶斑病(Cladosporiumallii)的研究Ⅳ.产量损失估计及药剂防治试验

    Study of garlic leaf blotch ( cladosporium allii ) ⅳ . yield loss assessment and fungicide control experiments

  6. 这一金额高于很多分析师的预期,不过中行持有的这些债券多数具有AAA评级,实际损失估计相对较小&尤其是与该行大约7700亿美元的总资产相比。

    The amount is higher than many analysts were expecting but the debt is mostly rated AAA and actual losses are expected to be relatively small , especially compared with the bank 's total assets of around $ 770bn .

  7. 结果表明,应用SPOT和NOAA卫星资料研究森林火灾过程、林火行为和火灾损失估计,可快速、经济地获得所需信息并完全达到要求的精度。

    The results show that the application of SPOT and NOAA-AVHRR data to research the process of forest fire , forest fire behavior and to estimate forest fire damage is a very effective method with which the necessary information can be obtained quickly and economically with requested precision .

  8. 作为应急反应决策支持系统的实时损失估计:早期震后破坏评估工具(EPEDAT)

    Real-time loss estimation as an emergency response decision support system : the early post-earthquake damage assessment tool ( EPEDAT )

  9. 损失估计达到了将近一百万美元。

    Losses are estimated at close to one million US dollars .

  10. 早稻纹枯病流行预测及损失估计

    Prognosis and yield Loss Assessment of Early Season Rice Sheath Blight

  11. 震害损失估计方法研究

    A Review on Methods About the Loss Estimation on Earthquake Damage

  12. 宁蒗6.2级地震震害及其损失估计

    Seismic damage and economic loss evaluation of M_s6.2 Ninglang earthquake

  13. 建筑物地震损失估计方法对比分析

    Comparative analysis of estimation methods for earthquake losses to buildings

  14. 花生根结线虫病产量损失估计与防治指标的研究

    On the damage and action threshold of northern root-knot nematode to peanut

  15. 小麦赤霉病的为害损失估计模型

    Loss assessment models of yield and quality caused by Fusarium head blight

  16. 小麦白粉病危害产量损失估计的研究

    Studies on yield loss estimation by powdery mildew of Wheat

  17. 烟草蚀纹病对烤烟损失估计的研究

    A study on tobacco loss analysis of tobacco etch virus

  18. 水稻细菌性条斑病产量损失估计

    Assessment of yield loss due to the bacterial leaf streak of rice

  19. 框架结构基于抗震可靠性的损失估计与优化分析

    Loss assessment and optimum analysis of frame structures based on aseismic reliability

  20. 苜蓿褐斑病流行预测及产量损失估计

    Epidemic Forecast and Yield Loss Estimate on Alfalfa Common Leaf Spot Disease

  21. 玉米弯孢菌叶斑病产量损失估计模型的研制

    The Yield Loss Models of Maize Leaf Spot Caused by Curvularia Lunata

  22. 铁路桥梁震害预测及损失估计方法的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Railway Bridges Earthquake Vulnerability Assessment and Loss Estimation

  23. 烟草赤星病损失估计模型的建立方法

    Modeling Method for Estimating Tobacco Production Losses Caused by Brown Spot Disease

  24. 损失估计有好几千美元。

    Damage is estimated in the thousands of dollars .

  25. 上星期水灾所造成的损失估计达50万美元。

    Damages from last week 's flood have been assessed at $ 500000 .

  26. 水稻纹枯病病情调查与损失估计

    On Rice Sheath Blight Investigation and Yield Loss Estimation

  27. 组建了多因素损失估计模型。

    A model of multi-factors-yield-loss assessment was set up .

  28. 小麦纹枯病产量损失估计研究

    Estimation of yield losses caused by wheat sharp eyespot

  29. 抗震结构的模糊震害预测与损失估计

    Fuzzy Damage Prediction and Loss Estimation of Aseismic Structures

  30. 暴发性桑树病虫害损失估计研究

    Loss estimation on pest and disease outbreak in Mulberry