  • decrease;lose;harm;damage
  • mean;shabby
  • 减少:~失。~耗。~益。增~。亏~。~兵折将。

  • 使失去原来的使用效能:~坏。破~。易~。

  • 使蒙受害处:~害。满招~,谦受益。

  • 用刻薄的话挖苦人:~人。

  • 刻薄,毒辣:这话太~了。


(减少) decrease; lose:

  • 亏损


  • 增损

    increase and decrease


(损害) harm; damage:

  • 有益无损

    can only do good, not harm;

  • 满招损,谦受益。

    One loses by pride and gains by modesty.;

  • 以损人开始, 以害己告终

    begin with injuring others and end up ruining oneself;

  • 狂犬吠日, 无损于太阳的光辉。

    A cur barking at the sun cannot detract from its glory.

  • 这种行为有损于集体的荣誉。

    This sort of activity damages the reputation of the collective.


[方] (用尖刻的话挖苦人) speak sarcastically; deride:

  • 你别损人了。

    Don't deride others.

  • 他爱损人。

    He delights in making caustic remarks.


[方] (刻薄; 恶毒) mean; shabby:

  • 这法子真损。

    That's a mean trick.

  • 这话真损透了。

    What is said is really damaging.

  1. 规划和建设意味着变迁,在变迁过程中必然涉及到个人利益和局部利益的增损;

    The planning and construction involve changes , and changes inevitably involve the increase or decrease of personal and local interest ;

  2. 与之相反,一个低劣的品牌名称,虽说不能一定有损于产品的销售,但是对于品牌的塑造没有一点好处。

    On the contrary , although we cannot say it will decrease selling , an inferior brand name has no advantage to branding .

  3. 由于命运之神的奇特安排,他们全都死里逃生,毫发未损。

    By some freak of fate they all escaped without injury .

  4. 小心别损及别人的财物。

    Be careful not to damage other people 's property .

  5. 他开玩笑地损了一下她的长相,言语很是刻薄。

    He made a very unfair crack about her looks .

  6. 他决不会做任何有损于他事业的事。

    He would never do anything to jeopardize his career .

  7. 这些政策有损于社会的利益。

    These policies are inimical to the interests of society .

  8. 任何延误都会损及这个孩子的身心健康。

    Any delay will prejudice the child 's welfare .

  9. 我不喜欢任何有损我们之间关系的事情。

    I 'd hate anything to come between us .

  10. 车的漆面划损得很厉害。

    The car 's paintwork is badly scratched .

  11. 他毫发未损地逃了出去。

    He escaped without a scratch .

  12. 这些形象有损妇女尊严。

    Such images demean women .

  13. 埃及在苏伊士运河上的收益上受了损。

    Egypt has lost out on revenues from the Suez Canal .

  14. 这一事件可能有损首相的名誉。

    The affair could tarnish the reputation of the prime minister

  15. 这些宣传报道可能会有损我们的竞选活动。

    The publicity could detract from our election campaign .

  16. 经济衰退使许多公司实力大损,不少难以为继。

    The recession has weakened so many firms that many can no longer survive

  17. 他这人还是有点损。

    He 's still got a mean streak .

  18. 钢制浴缸是轻一点,不过容易碰损。

    Steel baths are lighter but chip easily .

  19. 他11岁的女儿在袭击中毫发未损。

    His eleven-year-old daughter was unharmed in the attack

  20. 任何有损男性整体健康状况的疾病都会影响精子的产生。

    Any disease which undermines a man 's general health will interfere with his sperm production

  21. 他体重过重,这有损他的健康。

    His weight was harming his health

  22. 她从没有吸过毒,也没做过任何有损爵士乐名声的事。

    She 's never had any drug problems or done anything to give jazz a bad name .

  23. 胜利只是表面的,可这丝毫无损于战斗部队的勇气和技术。

    The victory looks rather hollow . That takes nothing away from the courage and skill of the fighting forces .

  24. 这种行为有损于集体的荣誉。

    This sort of activity damages the reputation of the collective .

  25. 他因品行有损军人的名誉而被撤职。

    He was cashiered for conduct injurious to the reputation of a soldier .

  26. 铁制工具长期不用会锈损。

    An iron tool , if never used , will corrode with rust .

  27. 这话真损透了。

    What is said is really damaging .

  28. 这法子真损。

    That 's a mean trick .

  29. 铁易锈损。

    Iron corrodes easily .

  30. 她的嘴真损,老取笑人。

    She has a really sharp tongue & always ridiculing people .