
  1. 重点介绍了不当出生的赔偿范围和限制,包括物质损害赔偿和精神损害赔偿,但不应该适用损益相抵原则。

    Compensation should include material damages and compensation for moral damage . But compensation should not apply the principle of profit and loss balance .

  2. 其赔偿原则包括全部赔偿原则、过失相抵原则的、损益相抵原则和权衡利益原则。

    Compensation principles include the principle of full compensation 、 the principle of fault offset 、 the principle of the profit and loss offset and the principle of weight interests .

  3. 损益相抵原则,是指受害人基于受损害的同一原因而受有利益时,应将所受利益从损害额中扣除,以确定侵害人的赔偿额的原则。

    The principle of deduction of collateral benefits is that the benefits should be deducted from the damages , when the victim attains benefits on account of the same cause as damages ' .

  4. 依据产品责任法保护消费者的立法目的以及赔偿的功能,国际产品责任之赔偿的一般原则应包括全部赔偿原则、损益相抵原则、惩罚性赔偿原则和限定赔偿原则。

    Part I : The general principles for compensation of international products liability include principle of complete indemnity , principle of set-off of profit and loss , principle of punitive damages and principle of limitative damages .

  5. 第三,在赔偿制度上,明确了赔偿原则即全部赔偿、便民高效、损益相抵、过失相抵原则,赔偿的标准。

    Third , the compensation system , defined the principle of compensation is the total compensation , convenient and efficient , profit and loss balance , fault offset principle , the standard of compensation .