
  • 网络free transfer;free agents
  1. 这名前意大利国门现年39岁,在6月和切沃的合同就已经到期了,可以自由转会罗马。

    The former Italian international , 39 , is available on a free transfer after his contract at Chievo expired in june .

  2. 英超冠军表示这只是一桩两年的租借,而此前国米声称这是一笔自由转会。

    The Premiership champions have confirmed it is a two-year loan arrangement , with inter having previously stated it was a free transfer .

  3. 欧文于2009年自由转会曼联。

    He later signed for Manchester United on a free transfer in 2009 .

  4. 他们是我们称之为的自由转会者。

    They 're all what we call free transfers .

  5. 球员们可以在俱乐部之间自由转会。

    Players can move freely between clubs .

  6. 凯尔特人和查尔顿前锋郑智达成一致,郑智自由转会至苏超的传统强队凯尔特人了。

    Celtic have reached an agreement with former Charlton striker Zheng Zhi , who is currently a free agent .

  7. 当然,由球员合同中的保留条款禁止自由转会,奥尔巴赫执教时期的球队花名册非常稳定。

    Also , because the reserve clause in players'contracts prohibited free agency , rosters were much more stable in Auerbach 's halycon days .

  8. 转会方式获得的球员,在自由转会制度下,由于经纪人的介入,使产生的剩余价值分配的博弈变得公平。

    Due to the involvement of brokers , the resulting distribution of surplus value produced by players obtained from transfer has become fair .

  9. 桑普多利亚前锋希望能终止合同,使它能够自由转会加入任何俱乐部。

    The Sampdoria forward was expected to have his contract terminated , thus making him a free agent and available to any club .

  10. 通过对承德石油高等专科学校体育课实施体育教学俱乐部改革近3年来的状况进行分析研究,指出其存在的不足,并提出进行分层次教学、建立自由转会制度、规范俱乐部管理等相应的对策。

    Based on the study of teaching-oriented sports clubs over the past three years , this paper reveals the existing shortcomings , together with the countermeasures .

  11. 更多球队开始寻求自由转会的球员,宁愿给他们更高的薪水,但整体的交易价格还是低的。

    More clubs are going to look for players on free transfers , enticing them with higher wages , but still the overall deal being cheaper .

  12. 到现在,即便纳斯里不与球队续约将明年夏天自由转会,温格还是强调纳斯里会留在阿森纳。

    Until now , Wenger has been adamant that Nasri will stay , regardless of whether he agrees to extend a contract which expires next summer .

  13. 无论如何,坎比亚索和圣地亚哥·伯纳乌(译注:皇马体育场名)的合同结束了,他于2004年自由转会国际米兰。

    Anyhow , Cambiasso 's contract at the Santiago Bernabeu was allowed to run down , and he signed for Inter on a free transfer in2004 .

  14. 在夏天从切尔西自由转会而来后,小乔一直在努力恢复状态,但他仍未在国王肯尼的执教下有过出场机会。

    Cole has struggled to find form following his free transfer from Chelsea in the summer and is yet to feature under new Reds boss Kenny Dalglish .

  15. 当对小于24岁球员提出自由转会时,将对其俱乐部付一定的补偿。

    When approaching to sign a player on a free-transfer who is under the age of24 , the buying club will have to pay the selling club compensation .

  16. 很多时候人们指责你花掉了这些钱,但是沃勒宁是一个自由转会的球员,他已经做的非常好了,而钱不是最关键的。

    Sometimes people say you spent this money , but Voronin was a Bosman transfer and he has been really good so it is not important the money .

  17. 当西班牙报道暗示他可能会自由转会到都灵的时候,阿根廷人在上周正好和老妇人联系在一起。

    The Argentine was paired with the old lady just last week when reports in Spain suggested that he was on his way to Turin on a free transfer .

  18. “非正式合同”和业余合同在相当一部分程度上非常类似,意思就是说签这个合同的球员可以自由转会到其他俱乐部。

    Non-contracts are very similar to amateur contracts in many ways , in that the players are able to move freely to other clubs if they are signed on non-contract terms .

  19. 虽然去年夏天卖出维埃拉,阿森纳可以得到更多,但如果他的合同期满,他就可以自由转会去任何一支球队。

    While Arsenal would have received more for their skipper last summer , if Vieira 's contract expired he would have been able to move to any club on a free transfer .

  20. 同时,小贝拒绝与皇马签订新合同,除非能进入首发阵容,因此,皇马决定在明年一月的冬季转会期卖掉小贝,以免他在明年夏天合同到期时自由转会。

    And with Beckham refusing to sign a new contract until he is guaranteed a starting spot , the Spanish giants may offload him in January to stop him leaving for nothing next summer .

  21. 本文主要对职业球员与俱乐部之间的关系和转会协议的性质、职业球员自由转会权利的确认以及转会纠纷的法律解决途径这三个方面进行了深入的研究。

    The thesis is mainly about the nature of relationship among soccer players and clubs , the nature of transferring contract , the recognizing of soccer players ' right of free transferring and the legal solution of transferring disputes .

  22. 具体如下:改革俱乐部股权结构,让国企资本退出;完善激励约束机制;推进运动员自由转会制度;减少地方政府干预;改变利益分配格局。

    As follows , reforming the state-owned shareholding structure of club , so that state-owned capital exit , improving the incentive-restricted mechanism , promoting a free transfer system for athletes , reducing local government intervention , Changing the pattern of distribution of benefits and so on .

  23. NBA自由球员的转会程序包括与原球队解约、与转入球队谈判、签约、联盟审核及球员工会监督等。

    The trading procedure of NBA free agent includes rescinding a contract , negotiation , signing , checking of NBA commissioner and so on .

  24. 只有电力远期可现在,它毕竟是矮小和弱小得分威胁夹头希斯,有限制自由球员的转会。

    The only power forward available right now , after all , is the undersized and nonexistent scoring threat Chuck Hayes , a restricted free agent .

  25. 该赛季结束后,林书豪获得尼克斯队的允许,以自由球员的身份转会到了休斯顿火箭队(HoustonRockets)。

    After the season , the Knicks allowed Mr. Lin to depart to the Houston Rockets via free agency .