
  • 网络natural event
  1. 我们必须区分开自然事件(或者一系列的自然事件)与工程基础设施、管理基础设施,以及安全监管。

    We have to make a distinction between a natural event , or series of natural events and engineering infrastructure , regulatory infrastructure , and safety oversight .

  2. 人类总是在记录自然事件的重复。

    Humans always have noted natural events that repeat themselves .

  3. 2006年国际石油市场的发展趋势将表现出需求强劲、OPEC影响力进一步减弱、各种不确定性政治和自然事件依然存在、基金积极参与以及美国主宰石油政治的特点,国际油价也因之将保持较高水平。

    In 2006 , the great demand , the weak affection of OPEC , political and natural uncertainties , fund and American petroleum politics will lead to a development tendency characterized by high petroleum price .

  4. 巫术通过祁求神灵而达到得以控制或预测自然事件、结果或者力量目的手段。

    The art that purports to control or forecast natural events , effects , or forces by invoking the supernatural .

  5. 达到或失去相对平衡是在生命周期中不断发生的自然事件。

    Going in and out of a relative balance is a natural process that happens constantly throughout the cycle of life .

  6. 这些人认为动物有第六感——在重要的自然事件发生时,动物可以感觉到。

    These people believe that animals have a sixth sense - the animals can feel when important natural events are going to happen .

  7. 经济学领域的实证研究多把经济事件作为自然事件认识,以此认为经济数据服从正态分布。

    In the empirical study on in the economic area , the economic events as regarded as natural events and the economic data are considered to be following normal distribution .

  8. 因为假如音乐只靠强迫我们去寻找生活情景或自然事件与某些旋律或特殊音响之间的外在相似,才能唤起我们的快感;

    For if it seeks to arouse pleasure only by impelling us to seek external analogies between a vital or natural process and certain rhythmical figures and characteristic sounds of music ;

  9. “这场悲剧提醒我们,许多发展中国家都可能发生不利的自然事件,我们需要在所有发展项目中加入这方面的考虑,”盖斯基埃说。

    " This tragedy comes as a reminder that many developing countries are exposed to adverse natural events and that we need to integrate this dimension in all development programs ," said Ghesquiere .

  10. 水旱灾害的发生并非单纯的自然事件。她的魔力来自肉感下面隐藏的纯真,一种凛然不可冒犯的纯真。

    The occurrence of flood and drought disaster ( FDD ) is not a simple natural accident . Her magic lay in the fact that beneath the sensuality seemed to lie an untouched island of innocence .

  11. 医疗保障权是指公民因疾病或其他自然事件及突发事件造成身体与健康损害时获得医疗服务或对其发生的医疗费用损失和其他损失获得经济补偿或救济的权利。

    Right to medical insurance is the right of citizens from disease or other natural events and unexpected incidents caused bodily harm and health or medical services of its medical costs and other losses to receive financial compensation or relief .

  12. 首先介绍一项通过时间产生分异的调查,然后检测种群间基因交流的障碍,最后描述一个自然事件从而分析建群过程。

    It begins with an investigation of divergence through time , then examines the nature and robustness of the barrier to gene flow between populations , and ends with a description of a founder event that gives insight into the colonization process .

  13. 借助某些科学的、神学的或者哲学的理论,我们可以对自然事件和人类的未来做出预言,一个好的、诚实的预言必须对未来事件的时间和状态做出明确的承诺。

    With the help of some scientific , theological or philosophical theories , we can predict human being 's future and the course of natural things . A good and honest prediction must give clear statement about the time and state of future events .

  14. 基于小波的模拟自然阅读事件相关电位单次提取的研究

    Single Trial ERP Extruction Based on Wavelet Transform

  15. 模拟自然阅读事件相关脑电位

    The Event-related Potentials During Imitated Natural Reading

  16. 树的年轮能提供有关往日自然环境事件的确切讯息,包括气候与自然灾害。

    Rings inside trees can provide exact information about past environmental events , including weather and natural disasters .

  17. 你们所关心的这些都是自然的事件,但是只承认在较低的维度中。

    These are all natural occurrences where you are concerned , but only apply to the lower dimensions .

  18. 目前,突发自然灾害事件的高频次、大规模的呈现已渐渐成为媒体经常面对的话题。

    At present , the abrupt natural disasters in high-frequency and large-scale always happen , which TV media often face .

  19. 基于此,本文研究的核心问题便是:突发自然灾害事件的报道框架。

    Based on this , the core issue of this studyis : The reporting framework of sudden natural disaster events .

  20. 查询有关自然灾害事件卫生应急管理方面的文献资料,重点关注洪涝灾害卫生应急管理方面的资料,了解国内外相关研究的情况及进展。

    By inquires the information of flood disaster emergency management of health , Understand the situation of the domestic and foreign relevant research and progress .

  21. 巨灾是指对人民生命财产造成特别巨大损失,对社会经济发展产生严重影响的自然灾害事件。

    Huge disasters refer to the natural disasters that cause the huge loss of life and property and have serious impact on social and economic development .

  22. 在我所报道的其他自然灾害事件中,在灾难发生的四天内,本地区源源不断地救援物资和国际救助会一齐投向受灾地区。

    In other natural disasters that I 've covered , steady streams of local and international aid have usually converged upon the stricken area within four days of the event .

  23. 建立规范的灾情统计标准和对重大自然灾害事件的统计制度、建立灾情统计的评估方法、提高基层灾情统计人员素质等,是推动我国灾情统计工作快速发展的主要途径。

    Establishing the statistics criterion , the statistics mechanism of great natural disasters , assessment system and improving the quality of local staffs are the main approaches to improve the rapid development of statistics work on natural disaster .

  24. 当自然灾害事件发生时,要求除了事件信息,还能能自动获得通过地理空间信息关联的与事件相关的信息,这对地理信息检索提出了面向地理事件的信息检索服务需求。

    While , the occurred natural disaster events request geographic event oriented geographic information retrieval service . That is , besides event description information , also getting related information automatically which is connected through geographic information with event .

  25. 20世纪80年代,国外开始着手研究危机传播。在中国,由于近年来严重危害公众的自然灾害事件的增多,人们也开始着手研究危机。

    The westerners set about to do some research on crisis dissemination during 1980s . In recent years , people began to study the crisis because of the increase of natural disaster that has done serious harm to the public .

  26. 论主流媒体自然灾难性事件报道的特点与影响

    On the Characteristics and Influence of Natural Disasters Reports in Mainstream Media

  27. 天坑通常是一起自然发生的事件。

    Sinkholes are usually a naturally occuring event .

  28. 有非突显的自然终结的事件,其进行式有时可以蕴含完成式的意义。

    For the events with un-prominent natural terminal , the progressive entail the perfect sometimes .

  29. 而且,自然灾害等事件会造成数据的永久丢失,对企业的可持续经营能力造成严重的负面影响。

    Additionally , any permanent data loss , from natural disaster or any other source , will likely have serious negative consequences for the continued viability of a business .

  30. 最后本文较为系统的提出针对上海市自然灾害紧急事件危机管理的现状和问题,尝试性地提出上海市自然灾害紧急事件危机管理的策略。

    Finally this article proposed that more systematic in view of Shanghai natural disaster emergency management present situation and question , experimentally proposes the Shanghai natural disaster emergency management strategy .