
  1. 它帮助减少失业率因为人们能够在城市中自由穿行,

    It helped unemployment , because people could get across town ,

  2. 以便他们可以自由穿行于各个星球之间。

    In order to travel freely among their worlds .

  3. 由于我身穿制服,因此可以在东德和西德间自由穿行。

    Because I was in uniform , I could pass freely between East and West Germany .

  4. 他说:要在这样一个移动优先的世界自由穿行,我们还需要做大量工作。

    We have a lot of work to do still as we navigate this mobile-first world , he said .

  5. 船舶可以在这里自由穿行,而无需它们现在有时不得不依赖的笨重且昂贵的破冰船。

    Vessels could move freely , without the cumbersome - and expensive - ice-breakers on which they sometimes have to rely now .

  6. 乡下人的房门一律不上锁,可以让我自由穿行,我熟识这样的感觉,很多年前,在童年的深处,我就是在这样的巷子里穿来穿去。

    Villagers are not locked door , can let me freedom to travel , my acquaintances such feeling , many years ago , in the depths of my childhood , I am in this lane wear to wear .

  7. 帮助法兰度在林中自由的穿行,不过要提防森林中的猛兽,你可以用粘性很强的蜂蜜等来袭击野兽降低危险。

    Help Fernando collect the fruit by maneuvering through the jungle and making the wild animals a little less wild and a lot more sticky by shooting them with honey .

  8. 只因它能自由地穿行于内外两个天地的时空中,向前追溯去分享先人们的感悟,向后延展去触动后续者的灵魂。

    Because it is able to travel between the time and space of the inner and external worlds – looking back to share the insights of the predecessors and carrying on to affect the soul of those to come .

  9. 窗户都开着,吊扇在顶上旋转,空气和光线自由在屋内穿行。

    The windows were open and a ceiling fan whirred above us , air and light moved liberally through the room .