
  • 网络Dinosaurs
  1. 圆顶龙属于长颈恐龙家族。

    Camarasaurus were a family of long-necked dinosaurs .

  2. 兽脚类是恐龙家族很重要的一支,鸟类就是从它们中起源的。

    Theropods are a very important group of dinosaurs because it is from this group that birds are known to originate .

  3. 这具化石保存有异常完好的骨骼结构,因此可以将其明确地归入到恐龙家族中长有羽毛的一类。

    The fossil 's exceptionally well-preserved bone structure clearly puts it among feathered kin on the dinosaur family tree .

  4. 它的进化家族中包含了一些同样恐怖的亲戚,但至少还有一个呆萌的表亲。恐龙家族聚会时,这个呆萌的表亲可能很少会收到邀请。

    Its evolutionary family includes some equally horrific relatives - but also at least one goofy cousin that probably wasn 't invited to many reunions .