
kǒnɡ jù ɡǎn
  • a sense of fear;frisson
  1. 这一点开始在玛莉莎心中产生一种恐惧感。

    This began to distil a sense of fear in Marissa .

  2. 一股恐惧感传遍了他的全身。

    A ripple of fear passed through him .

  3. 盲目的恐惧感在市民中蔓延。

    A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople

  4. 她去看了一位用催眠术帮她克服恐惧感的精神科医生。

    She saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear

  5. 随着年龄的增长,技术恐惧感愈加强烈。

    Technophobia increases with age .

  6. 这种行为会使人产生极度的孤独感,以及“脱网恐惧感”等病态症状。Onlineness是online和loneliness的合成词,指上网上得太多,随时看手机刷微博刷朋友圈,可是却越来越孤独。

    Onlineness may lead to acute loneliness and pathological syndromes2 such as extralineaphobia .

  7. 我们的乘客本来会出现紧张和恐惧感的,但是实际上却没有

    Our passenger gave no signs of nerves or apprehensiveness , as well she might have done .

  8. 2010年,心理健康机构Mind调查发现,经济低靡会加剧人们对工作的恐惧感。

    Research in 2010 by Mind , the mental health charity , found that the recession has increased the sense of fear about returning to work .

  9. 对于diGiovanni来说,生孩子这件事重新唤起了太多恐惧感,而她原以为自己已经彻底摆脱。

    Childbirth for Ms di Giovanni reanimated many of the fears she thought she had safely put away .

  10. 但是在许多UFO迷们看来,政府官员试图遮掩公众对天外来客的UFO的恐惧感。

    But in the eyes of many UFO fans , government officials were trying to hide information on extraterrestrial UFOs for fear of mass panic .

  11. 时任英国石油公司(BP)老板的罗伯特•霍顿(RobertHorton)自豪地解释,为了减少来访者对与他见面的恐惧感,他请人将他那间巨大办公室的天花板特别降低了一些。

    Robert Horton , then boss of BP , proudly explained how he had had the ceiling of his vast office specially lowered in order to make visitors feel less daunted by meeting him .

  12. 最后,一些专有的供应商正在试图模糊Linux的免费标签,并为其贴上“高”TCO的标签来让用户产生恐惧感。

    Last , but not least , proprietary vendors are notorious for trying to counter Linux 's free price tag with vague fears about its " higher " total cost of operation in the long run .

  13. 结果全髋关节置换术中小切口的应用,能够减少手术创伤、缩短手术时间、减轻病人对手术的恐惧感,切口长度7~9cm。

    Results Form feasibility of minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty through small posterolateral skin incision can less tissue damage , less operation time , less the patient 's sense of trepidation to the operation . The length of incision is 7 ~ 9cm .

  14. JohnDalli:“国家机构在未经过细菌学分析证明疫情源头的情况下不应该仓促发布信息,这是非常关键的,因为这会在欧洲所有民众中间传播恐惧感,为向欧盟和欧盟以外国家出售食品的生产者带来问题。”

    JOHN DALLI : " It is crucial that national authorities do not give information on source of infection which is not proven by bacteriological analysis , as this spreads unjustified fears in the population all over Europe , and creates problems for our food producers selling products in the EU and outside of the EU . "

  15. 并不令人意外的是,这正造成恐惧感蔓延。

    Unsurprisingly , this is stoking a contagious sense of fear .

  16. 我想她试着除掉她的恐惧感。

    I think she is trying to shake off her fears .

  17. 在后一个星期里,有一种恐惧感不知不觉地钻到我心里。

    This last week a fright has been stealing upon me .

  18. 一种幻想破灭的恐惧感开始袭来。

    A sense of disillusionment and fear began to creep in .

  19. 母亲们也传递这种恐惧感吗,还是只有父亲们才这样?

    Do mothers ever transmit such terror , or only fathers ?

  20. 奥斯汀在很长一段时间内都不能克服恐惧感。

    Osteen did not overcome his fear for a long time .

  21. 他认识到,他原来是被自己的恐惧感给控制住了。

    Haw realized he had been held captive by his own fear .

  22. 长期的离弃恐惧感和当迫于孤独时的痛苦感。

    Chronic fear of abandonment and panic when forced to be alone .

  23. 医生态度和蔼,有助于减轻病人恐惧感。

    The doctor 's friendly manner helped the patient allay his fear .

  24. 贝思读着杰克的信,恐惧感越来越强烈。

    Beth read jake 's letter with a mounting sense of panic .

  25. 因此得出结论恐惧感可以通过脑部扫描和汗液成分来量化分析。

    Fear was quantified via brain scans and sweat measurement .

  26. 她的恐惧感仅是瞬息间的,很快就消失了。

    Her feeling of fear was only momentary ; it soon passed .

  27. 他心头一直萦绕着可能失业的恐惧感。

    The spectre of unemployment was always on his mind .

  28. 患者对此吸脂方法不会产生恐惧感。

    Patients will not be creative of fear by liposuction .

  29. 结论对偏瘫的恐惧感是应激性心理障碍的重要因素。

    Conclusions Fear of hemiplegia is the most important factor .

  30. 汉森说。这反映出一种根深蒂固的恐惧感老板害怕失去他对公司的掌控力。

    Says Hansson , It reflects a deep-seated fear of losing control .