
  • Horror Fiction;thriller;horror
  1. 爱伦·坡对恐怖小说作出了极大贡献。

    Edgar Allan Poe made great contribution to horror fiction .

  2. 这本小说是一本恐怖小说。

    This novel is a horror fiction .

  3. 这本小说既非科幻小说亦非哥特派恐怖小说。

    This novel is not science fiction , nor is it Gothic horror .

  4. 玛莎·亨特的第二部小说《自由》是一部恐怖小说。

    Marsha Hunt 's second novel , ' Free ' , is a shocker .

  5. 达尔先生以成人恐怖小说集《意料之外的故事》闻名于世。

    Mr Dahl was well-known for his macabre adult stories called ' Tales of the Unexpected ' .

  6. 根据恐怖小说作家StephenKing改编的电影《Langoliers》中有非常有趣的一个幕。在飞机上一小群人在介绍自己。

    There is a very interesting scene in Stephen King 's movie The Langoliers in which a small group of people on an airplane are introducing themselves .

  7. 与《单身男子》一样,《NocturnalAnimals》改编自奥斯丁•怀特(AustinWright)1993年出版的恐怖小说《TonyandSusan》,剧情讲述的是一位离婚女收到其前夫所写的一本情节离奇的黑暗小说。

    A book adaptation , like A Single Man , it is based on Austin Wright 's 1993 thriller Tony and Susan about a divorcee sent a dark , fantastical novel written by her ex-husband .

  8. 问:科技惊悚和恐怖小说作家道格拉斯·普雷斯顿(DouglasPreston)是你的弟弟,你们俩会交流写作经验,阅读彼此作品的草稿吗?

    Q. Your brother is the techno thriller and horror novelist Douglas Preston . Do the two of you share writing tips and read drafts of each other 's work ?

  9. 爱伦·坡恐怖小说创作的原因

    Reasons For Composition of Edgar Allan Poe 's Horrible Stories

  10. 在爱伦?坡开始写作的时候,恐怖小说已经很盛行了。

    Horror stories already were popular when Poe began writing .

  11. 这些恐怖小说有的十分吓人。

    Me of these horror stories are real shockers .

  12. 坡的恐怖小说为读者贡献了美的享受。

    Poe 's fictions feed readers with aesthetic enjoyment .

  13. 这位作者写的是恐怖小说而非推理小说。

    The author wrote horror instead of mystery novels .

  14. 评论人士认为他写的恐怖小说非常完美。

    Critics say he wrote the perfect horror story .

  15. 这个认识可能来自恐怖小说。

    This idea may stem from ghoulish novels .

  16. 珍妮佛:我一般读恐怖小说。

    Jennifer : I often read horror stories .

  17. 明清文言恐怖小说研究

    On Horror Novels in Ming-Qing Ancient Chinese Novels

  18. 范作为对战争的学习的反应就是写恐怖小说。

    Fan wrote the novel in response to learning of the war on terror .

  19. 恐怖小说作家斯蒂芬·金一直毫无保留的称赞罗琳的作品。

    Horror novelist Stephen King has been outspoken in his praise of Rowling 's work .

  20. 在恐怖小说中,他创造了一个个远离尘嚣、似曾相识、充满怪异和恐怖的心灵世界。

    He creates a world full of strangeness , weirdness and horror in his horror fictions .

  21. 斯蒂芬·金以他的恐怖小说之畅销而闻名于世界。

    Stephen King is known all over the world for the popularity of his horror fictions .

  22. 《闪灵》是斯蒂芬·金的代表作,被誉为最优秀的恐怖小说之一。

    The Shining is Stephen King 's masterpiece , one of the best horror novels ever .

  23. 一本吸引人的恐怖小说。

    A frightening , compulsive novel .

  24. 坡的恐怖小说在一定程度上成为南方小说的源头。

    Poe 's horror fictions became the origin of Southern fictions , to a certain degree .

  25. 里面他的妻子也有献唱哦。有意思的是歌词还启发了恐怖小说大师史蒂芬·金,他随后写出了《闪灵》这部经典小说。

    Fun fact : the song 's lyrics inspired Stephen King's1977 horror novel , 'The Shining . '

  26. 尽管他喜欢的是恐怖小说和科幻小说,但是他还是在飞机上把他看完了。

    Though he prefers thrillers and science fiction , he had read the novel on the plane .

  27. 中国的恐怖小说与《聊斋志异》的恐怖审美情趣

    Chinese Fantastic or " Terrorist " Fiction and Its Aesthetic Interests Seen From Liao Zhai Zhi Yi

  28. 在其创作的为数不多的哥特恐怖小说中,《螺丝在拧紧》是一篇出色的作品。

    The Turn of the Screw is a representative work of James ' small amount of gothic novels .

  29. 坡在恐怖小说中重点阐述了20世纪现代人的噩梦,这是他的另一个鲜明的创作主题。

    The nightmares of modern souls are predicted , which is an amazing theme in his horror fictions .

  30. 跟他处于两个极端的是美国的“恐怖小说之王”斯蒂芬·金。

    With him at the two extremes is the " king of the novel of terror ," Stephen King .