
zì shāng
  • Self injury;self-inflicted injury;self-wounding;autolesion;self-sentimental
自伤 [zì shāng]
  • (1) [self-sentimental]∶自我悲伤感怀

  • 他因自己是个残疾人而自伤

  • (2) [self-wounding;self-inflicted injury]∶自己伤害自己

自伤[zì shāng]
  1. 余自伤幼年丧母。

    I grieve that I lost my mother when I was a child .

  2. FDA称,强生公司的利培酮能用于治疗易激惹,包括包括攻击行为,蓄意自伤和发脾气。

    The FDA said Johnson & Johnson 's Risperdal could be used to treat irritability , including aggression , deliberate self-injury and temper tantrums .

  3. 研究包括以下两个部分:研究一,采用自我参照编码任务(SRET)实验范式,考察自伤大学生自我图式的特点。

    The research included the following two parts : The first study explored the self-schema of self-injury college students by using the self-reference encoding task ( SRET ) .

  4. 终年64岁,据称是开枪自伤--

    to a supposedly self-inflicted gunshot wound at the age of 64

  5. 办理青少年自伤、自杀防治教育训练。

    Provide educational training for young people self-inflicted injury and suicide prevention .

  6. 学生课堂自伤行为的分析及干预策略探讨

    An Analysis of Pupils ' Classroom Self-injurious Behaviors and the Corresponding Intervention Strategies

  7. 目的提高口腔黏膜自伤性溃疡的诊断和治疗水平。

    Objective Definite the diagnosis and improve the curative effect of oral factitial ulcers .

  8. 方法对弥漫性脑水肿引起自伤的鉴定资料进行研究。

    Methods Research on the identification material of self-injury caused by diffuse brain dedma .

  9. 自信·自伤·自适&从言自诗看杜甫的自我心理调适

    Confident , Sentimental and Adaptable & Du Fu ′ s Self-adaptability through His Ego Poems

  10. 目的探讨弥漫性脑水肿引起自伤的相关因素。

    Objective To discuss some related factors of the self-injury caused by diffuse brain edema .

  11. 口腔黏膜自伤性溃疡的临床研究

    Clinical study on oral factitial ulcers

  12. 祈愿所有的父母不再伤心,祈愿所有的孩子不再自伤。

    We wish all parents will never be heart-broken and all children will not hurt themselves .

  13. 目的:探讨影响抑郁障碍青少年自伤行为和自杀观念的相关因素。

    Objective : To explore the factors related to juvenile depression with self-mutilate behavior and suicide idea .

  14. 自伤性皮肤损害:对皮肤科57例人工皮炎患者的回顾性分析

    Self-inflicted skin diseases . A retrospective analysis of 57 patients with dermatitis artefacta seen in a dermatology department

  15. 1例额颞顶叶脑梗死引起单侧肢体忽略自伤病人的护理

    Nursing care of a case with unilateral limb self-injured induced by cerebral infarction in frontal , parietal and temporal lobes

  16. 自杀未遂的影响因素为被恐吓或伤害、轻微自伤行为、伤心绝望和自杀意念。

    Multivariate analysis revealed that the associated factors for attempted suicide were threat , mild self-harm , despair and suicidal ideation .

  17. 18例(30%)有自伤行为,且自伤行为与语言功能障碍和智力水平相关;父母性格缺陷者占533%。

    18 of them ( 30 % ) with self injurious behaviour that were influenced by intelligence level and speech retardation .

  18. 相同之处主要表现在自伤、伤时类诗歌与散文在题材内容、创作主旨上的一致性。

    Common mainly in the self-injury , injury class poetry and prose on the subject matter content , the creative thrust of consistency .

  19. 大学生伤害以意外伤害为主,故意伤害很少;伤害发生的形式以自伤居多。

    College students ' injury mainly centers upon accident and intentional injury is quite few ; the form of occurrence of injury is mainly self mutilation .

  20. 让别人快乐是慈悲,让自己快乐时智慧,事有小功不窃喜,情有大失不自伤。

    Let others happy is compassion , let oneself happy wisdom , things have small power is secretly pleased , have a big loss not injure .

  21. 结果:决定产后抑郁症状学的因素有:目前的生活事件,缺乏社会支持,婚姻不满意,既往有故意自伤史,以及产前存在抑郁情绪。

    Results : Postpartum depressive symptomatology was determined by concurrent life events , lack of social support , marital dissatisfaction , past deliberate self-harm , and antepartum depressed mood .

  22. 结论自伤性习惯是本病重要的诊断依据,纠正自伤性习惯是本病重要的治疗方法。

    Conclusion The existence of self - inflicted habit is the significant diagnostic evidence of oral factitial ulcers . The correction of patient 's harmful habit is the important treatment method .

  23. 看他们远离人群,一个人默默的玩着,不管不顾外界的一切,抑或是大哭大闹,自伤自残。

    To see if they stay away from the crowd , a person who 's playing , regardless of the outside world in spite of everything , or is crying scene , self-injury self-mutilation .

  24. 来自各行各业的企业领袖和经济学家们曾指出现在的经济形势一片大好,我们不能让这种自伤自己的行为危害到我们的经济发展。

    At a time when economists and business leaders from across the spectrum have said that our economy is poised for progress , we shouldn 't allow self-inflicted wounds to put that progress in jeopardy .

  25. 精神病人、儿童病人等无民事行为能力人或限制行为能力人,在医院住院治疗期间,有可能发生自杀、自伤、伤害他人等突发事件。

    Psychopath and child patient , who are of no capacity for civil conduct or limited capacity for civil conduct , may suicide or hurt themselves or other people during their medical treatment period in the hospital .

  26. 多因素分析显示,自杀意念的影响因素为性别、学生类型、健康状况、因病缺勤、吸烟、饮酒、被恐吓或伤害、轻微自伤行为和伤心绝望。

    Multivariate analysis revealed that the associated factors for suicidal ideation were gender , types of students , health status , absence from class , cigarette smoking , alcohol use , being threatened , self-harm and despair .

  27. 完全没有一点征兆,怨恨和挖苦就会变成可怜巴巴的自怜自伤,然后又进行好几个回合漫长的苦闷绝望,中间还夹杂着对生命物体的毫无理由的暴力行为以及立即前往电子俱乐部的强烈欲望。

    Outbreaks of bitter recrimination would give way without warning to abject self-pity and then long bouts of sullen despair which were punctuated with sudden acts of mindless violence against inanimate objects and demands to go to electric clubs .

  28. 选择标准为意外伤害的外伤病例,排除因同一外伤原因再次入院取除内固定的患者,也排除因自伤入院的外伤病例。

    The selecting standard is the traumatic case caused by accidental injury , the patient who comes to the hospital again to remove the internal fixation for the same traumatic reason should be excluded , and the traumatic case caused by self-injury also should be excluded .

  29. 由于精神病人不能认识和控制自己的行为,随时可能会做出自伤或者伤人的行为,但由于精神疾病的特殊性,患者通常不知道进行治疗或者拒绝接受治疗。

    For the mental patients lacking of the ability to realize and control their behaviour , they may make self mutilation or hurt others at any time , but due to the particularity of mental illness , patients are often not conscious of accepting treatment or refusing treatment .