
  • 网络Crisis Intervention
  1. 高校应提升心理危机干预的能力&经历SARS反思高校心理咨询

    To Improve the Ability of Psychological Crisis Intervention & Turn-over Thinking on Psychological Consultation in Colleges after the SARS Crisis

  2. 突发灾难事件相关的PTSD及其危机干预研究进展

    Progress of Critical Incident Related PTSD and Crisis Intervention

  3. 结论对HIV感染者/AIDS患者进行积极的危机干预,能有效地预防自杀事件的发生。

    Conclusions Strategies of crisis and psychological interventions can effectively decrease and prevent suicide among people living with HIV / AIDS .

  4. 大学校园发生甲型H1N1流感疫情时学生心理危机干预的探索

    Psychological crisis interpose measure for students when Influenza A H1N1 emerging in university campus

  5. 我们的服务专门为制药企业量身定做,这些服务包括针对FDA服从规则和危机干预等各领域的研讨会和咨询会。

    These services developed exclusively for the pharmaceutical industry include seminars and consulting in all areas of FDA compliance and crises intervention .

  6. 心理危机干预能显著减轻现场救援人员PTSD症状,减少PTSD发生率。

    Psychological crisis intervention could obviously decrease the PTSD symptoms of the rescuers and the incidence of PTSD .

  7. 上海市精神卫生中心心理危机干预中心研究室主任费立鹏(MichaelPhillips)表示:最近的事件中,显然存在明显的盲目模仿的因素。

    There is certainly a strong copycat factor in the recent events , says Michael Phillips , Director of the Suicide Research and Prevention Center at Shanghai Mental Health Center .

  8. 同时,印度还进一步完善了金融危机干预制度,加强了存款保险制度的改革,制定了紧急纠错法案(PCA),治理了问题银行,并制定了金融机构风险暴露的相关标准。

    Meanwhile , India also further consummated the Crisis Management System and reinforced the reform of deposit insurance system , and stipulated the PCA act to govern the problem banks and also stipulated the relative standards of risk exposure for financial institutes .

  9. 认知行为取向危机干预的效果及影响因素

    Effect of crisis intervention on cognitive-behavior oriented and the influencing factors

  10. 国外心理危机干预对我国儿童心理危机干预的启示

    The Revelation of Foreign Psychological Crisis Intervention to Children Psychological Intervention

  11. 大学生危机干预理论及对策探讨

    Discussion on the Crisis Intervention Theories and Countermeasures for College Students

  12. 初诊癌症患者的心理特征与危机干预

    Psychological Characteristic and Crisis Intervention in Patients Preliminarily Diagnosed with Cancer

  13. 论辅导员在大学生心理危机干预中的应对策略

    Coping strategies of counselor on university students ' psychological crisis intervention

  14. 非传统安全与社会心理危机干预研究

    The Research of the Non-traditional Security and Social Psychosocial Crisis Intervention

  15. 浅谈突发事件后的心理危机干预

    A Brief Discussion on Psychological Crisis Intervention Subsequent to Abrupt Events

  16. 论大学生抑郁自杀行为与危机干预

    On students ' depression and suicide and the interference of the crises

  17. 对国外关于严重突发事件危机干预的研究作了概览与评述。

    Reviewing the research of crisis intervention of critical incident .

  18. 大学生自杀行为分析及危机干预探究

    Analysis on the undergraduate suicide behaviors and their crisis psytocracy

  19. 关于学生心理危机干预网络的建构问题

    On the Problems of Constructing Student Psychological Crisis Intervention Networks

  20. 零缝隙心理健康教育和危机干预机制的构建与实践

    Construction and practice of zero-gap mental health education and crisis intervention mechanism

  21. 大学生心理危机干预特征的分析研究

    An Analytical Research on Principal Components of University Student Psychological Crisis Intervention

  22. 未成年人自杀现象特征及其危机干预

    Characteristics of suicide and the crisis intervention in young persons

  23. 替代性创伤:危机干预中救援者的自我保护问题

    Vicarious Trauma : Self-protection of Rescue Workers in Crisis Intervention

  24. 学龄儿童的心理危机干预

    Interventions of the psychological crisis in school - age children

  25. 灾难中的心理危机干预&精神病学的视角

    Psychological Crisis Intervention in Disasters : Comment on Psychiatric View

  26. 重庆市自杀危机干预热线求助者110名心理分析

    Psychological analysis of 110 hotline telephones for suicidal crisis intervention in Chongqing

  27. 大学生心理危机干预对策探究大学生心理危机干预研究

    Research on the Intervention Countermeasures of the Psychology Crisis of University Students

  28. 论危机干预中社会支持网络的作用

    On the Supporting Net Role from Society in Crisis Interference

  29. 构建大学生心理疾病预防与危机干预体系

    Construction of Psychological Disease Prevention and Crisis Intervention System for College Students

  30. 基于折衷模式下的大学生心理危机干预策略

    Compromise-Based Strategies for College Students ' Mental Health Crisis Intervention