
  • 网络noise filter
  1. 基于soft形态学的椒盐噪声滤波器

    A New Salt & Pepper Noise Filter Based on Soft Morphology

  2. 直流输电系统PLC噪声滤波器的设计

    Design of PLC Noise Filter in HVDC Systems

  3. HVDC换流站取消载波通信噪声滤波器的可行性

    Feasibility to Cancel PLC Noise Filter at HVDC Converter Station

  4. 相比Matlab软件实现,将该脉冲噪声滤波器算法移植到FPGA硬件平台实现,具有速度快,性能好等的优点。

    Compared to the implementation of Matlab software , the implementation of FPGA hardware platform possesses high-speed and good performance and other advantages .

  5. IIR数字粉红噪声滤波器的优化设计

    Design of IIR Digital Pink Noise Filter Using Genetic Algorithms

  6. 带有噪声滤波器的GPC鲁棒性分析

    Robust Property Analysis of GPC with Noise Filter

  7. 在测量数据的基础上,讨论了取消换流站交、直流PLC噪声滤波器的可行方案。

    Based on the analysis of measurements , this paper discusses the feasible scheme to cancel AC / DC PLC filters at HVDC converter station .

  8. 在这样的工程背景下,本文在以下几个方面对直流输电系统PLC高频干扰噪声滤波器进行了深入的研究。首先,对换流站PLC高频干扰噪声源模型进行了研究。

    Under such background , the design of PLC High-Frequency interference filters is studies deeply in this paper which is organized as follows . Firstly , the HF interference noise source model which induces interference with PLC is studied in this paper .

  9. 文中介绍基于白噪声滤波器和平滑器的改进的Sage和Husa噪声统计估值器及相应的自适应Kalman滤波器,可处理未知常的和时变的噪声统计估计问题。

    This article presents an improved Sage and Husa noise statistical estimator and relevant adaptable Kalman filter based on white noise filter . This algorithm can handle problems of unknown parameters and constantly changed noise statistical estimation , and enhance the precision .

  10. 分析了电源噪声滤波器的基本原理,并对一个电源噪声滤波器实例进行了优化设计,经测试表明该滤波器对10kHz以上的电网噪声衰减效果能达到27dB,对1MHz的噪声衰减效果能达到80dB。

    According to the basic elements of the Power Noise Filter , we optimize an example to prove its function . The result shows that that filter can weaken noise above 10 kHz by 27 dB and weaken noise above 1 MHz by 80 dB .

  11. 基于多分辨率分析的1/f类噪声滤波器设计

    Filter Design of 1 / f Type Noise Based on Multiresolution Analysis

  12. 一种新型的去除图像中强脉冲噪声滤波器

    A New Filter for Removing Heavy Impulsive Noise of Image

  13. 数字漂移和噪声滤波器的设计

    The designs of digital shift filter and oise filter

  14. 基于直方图的自适应高斯噪声滤波器

    Adaptive filter for removing image gauss noise based histogram

  15. 一种基于中值-模糊技术的混合噪声滤波器

    A Mixed Noise Filter Based on Median-Fuzzy Technology

  16. 基于模糊神经网络的脉冲噪声滤波器

    Impulse Noise Filter Based on Fuzzy Neural Network

  17. 文中介绍电源噪声滤波器的电路设计、测试方法及典型应用。

    In this paper , It is proposed that the circuit design , test method and the typical application of a kind of power noise filter .

  18. 用基于遗传算法的分步逼近法得到粉红噪声滤波器,然后以白噪声为激励产生粉红噪声。

    Pink noise filter is implemented by step approximation method based on genetic algorithm , and then it is used to generate pink noise by filtering white noise .

  19. 文章提出了具有细节保持能力的自适应彩色图像脉冲噪声滤波器,称为细节保持滤波器。

    In this paper , new filters for impulse noise removal in color image are proposed based on noise detection , called as detail-preserving filters ( DPF ) .

  20. 提出一种新的基于模糊神经网络(FNN)的Speckle噪声自适应滤波器,以实时处理SAR图像。

    A new type of adaptive speckle noise filter based on a fuzzy neural network ( FNN ) is presented for SAR images which is corrupted by multiplicative noise .

  21. 因受噪声和滤波器性能的影响,对分离后的单信号计算时域特征参数,用CCGA优化后的神经网络判定其调制模式,识别率较低。

    With the noise and filter performance , the time-domain characteristic parameters of the signal separated are used to determine the modulation model , the recognition rate is lower .

  22. 移动数字电视调谐器中低噪声模拟滤波器的设计

    Analog Filter Design with Low Noise for Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld Tuner

  23. 基于回归型最小二乘支持向量机卷积模板的椒盐噪声开关滤波器

    Salt & Pepper Noise Switching Filter Based On LS-SVR Convolution Mask

  24. 自适应噪声抵消滤波器抵消能力的研究

    The Study of Cancelling Ability of an Adaptive Noise Cancelling Filter

  25. 基于区间类型2模糊系统的高斯噪声新滤波器

    A New Gaussian Noise Filter Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System

  26. 多传感器观测融合单通道白噪声反卷积滤波器

    Multisensor Measurement Fusion Single Channel White Noise Deconvolution Filter

  27. 最小舍入噪声数字滤波器的综合与设计

    Synthesis and design of minimum roundoff noise digital filters

  28. 基于l~1范数的新型脉冲噪声数字滤波器

    Novel l1 Norm-Based Digital Filter for Impulse Noise

  29. 基于行列处理消除正向脉冲噪声非线性滤波器

    A Nonlinear Filter based on Row and Column Filtering to Remove Positive Impulse Noise

  30. 多传感器分布式融合白噪声反卷积滤波器

    Multisensor Distributed Fusion White Noise Deconvolution Filter