
jué yuán wù
  • insulation material
  1. 本文评述了硅材料与其它半导体、绝缘物和导体的单片兼容技术及应用。

    In this paper , a review is made on monolithic compatibility of silicon with other semiconductors , insulators and conductors , and on its applications .

  2. 详细探讨产生分流误差的主要因素:铠装热电偶的直径、种类、使用温度、中间部位加热带长度、绝缘物种类及状态等,对分流误差的影响及其对策。

    The main factors causing shunting error are investigated in detail : the influence and countermeasures of armored thermocouple , suh as diameter , sort , operation temperature , middle heat length and sort of insulator .

  3. 为了将风噪,道路和引擎噪音减到最少,乐骋在车顶夹层和地板之下及车门和仪表板里,嵌镶上许多的隔音绝缘填充物。

    To minimize wind , road and engine noise , there 's a lot of sound insulation located under the hood and floor , and in the doors and dash panel .

  4. ZnO压敏电阻器用电气绝缘粉末固化物吸水特性的研究

    The Water-absorbing Characteristics of Epoxy Coating Used ZnO on Varistors

  5. 随着绝缘材料的物化性能测量技术的进步,为研究电树枝老化机理提供了更加有效的方法。

    With technological advances in measurement of the physical and chemical properties of insulating material , more effective methods can be used for studying mechanism of the electrical tree aging .

  6. 换流变压器绝缘的电位分布与电场分布取决于各绝缘物的电阻率与介电系数。前者不稳定,且受外界因素影响。

    The voltage and electric field distributions of a converter transformer are determined by the resistivity and the dielectric constant , and the former are unsteady and easily influenced by evironments .