
  • 网络silicon-on-insulator;Silicon on Insulator;SOI;BESOI
  1. 介绍了绝缘体上硅(SOI)材料的制作方法,阐述了SOIMOSFET器件的热载流子注入效应的失效机理。

    The fabrication of SOI ( Silicon-on-insulator ) materials is introduced . The SOI MOSFET hot carrier degradation mechanism is discussed .

  2. 晶圆级封装、三维芯片堆叠和绝缘体上硅技术是推动晶圆键合技术发展的三大动力。

    WLP ( Wafer Level Package ), 3-D Chip Stacking and SOI ( Silicon-on-insulator ) are the three impetuses for the development of wafer bonding technology .

  3. 分别采用不同的背栅沟道注入剂量制成了部分耗尽绝缘体上硅浮体和H型栅体接触n型沟道器件。

    Partially-depleted silicon-on-insulator ( PDSOI ) floating-body ( FB ) nMOSFETs and H-gate type body-contacted ( BC ) nMOSFETs are fabricated with different back channel implantation dosages .

  4. 根据有限元工具ANSYS的分析结果,设计了一种半导体压阻式压力传感器&绝缘体上硅(SOI)压力传感器,并完成了制作。

    According to the results of finite-element analysis with ANSYS , a piezoresistive pressure sensor based on silicon on insulator ( SOI ) was designed .

  5. 所研制出的光波导材料表面质量主要取决于所用绝缘体上硅(SOI)材料。

    Experiments and measurement show that the surface quality of SOG materials mainly depends on the used silicon-on-insulator ( SOI ) wafers .

  6. SOI(绝缘体上硅)器件在总剂量辐照下的主要性能退化是由于SOI器件的背栅阈值电压漂移引起的背沟道漏电。

    The primary performance degradation of SOI device in the total dose irradiation is the back-channel leakage current caused by gate threshold voltage shift .

  7. 低温直接键合技术由于键合温度低,键合质量好,键合材料限制少等优点在绝缘体上硅(SOI)结构、微机电系统(MEMS)器件等领域得到广泛的应用。

    Low-temperature wafer direct bonding with its low temperature , good bonding quality and fewer restrictions has been widely used in the fabrication of silicon-on-insulator ( SOI ) and Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems ( MEMS ) devices .

  8. 绝缘体上硅器件(SOI)具有结电容小、抗辐射性能好、优良的亚阈区特性、消除了闩锁效应、适于低压低功耗工作等优点,而被称为二十一世纪的硅集成电路技术。

    Silicon-on-insulator ( SOI ) device has the advantages of small junction capacitance , good resisting-radiation property , superior subthreshold characteristics , eliminating the latchup effects , suitable to low-voltage low-power operation , etc.

  9. 近年来,硅基光互连乃至光计算成为世界科技研究热点,尤其是基于绝缘体上硅(SOI)晶片的各种有源、无源光电子器件的研究更是方兴未艾。

    Recently , silicon-based optical interconnection as well as optical computing becomes the research hotspots in the world , especially for the research on both passive and active optoelectronic devices which are based on SOI wafer .

  10. 绝缘体上硅高温压力传感器研究

    Study on High-Temperature Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors Based on Silicon on Insulator

  11. 在一个绝缘体上硅的基板上实现了该器件。

    The combiner is fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator ( SOI ) substrate .

  12. 绝缘体上硅结构集成电路汽轮发电机不对称绕组结构下的绝缘温降计算与分析

    Soi integrated circuit Calculation and Analysis of Insulation Temperature Drop of Large Air-cooled Turbogenerator with Asymmetric Winding

  13. 对硅片直接键合/绝缘体上硅(SDB/SOI)双极电路的退化机理进行了描述。

    Degradation mechanism of silicon direct bonding / silicon-on-insulator ( SDB / SOI ) bipolar devices is discussed .

  14. 报道了一种用电子束曝光的方法在绝缘体上硅的脊状光波导上制做布拉格光栅的技术。

    The fabrication of Bragg gratings on silicon-on-insulator ( SOI ) rib waveguides using electron-beam lithography is presented .

  15. 绝缘体上硅结构材料

    Silicon on insulator material

  16. 通过薄化绝缘体上硅的波导层的厚度和光栅的深腐蚀加工,获得了高达30cm-1的光栅耦合系数。

    By thinning the SOI device layer and deeply etching the Bragg grating , a large grating coupling coefficient of 30cm ~ - 1 is obtained .

  17. 绝缘体上外延硅薄膜MOS工艺的五管存储单元

    Five-Transistor Memory Cells in ESFI MOS Technology

  18. 对SOI(绝缘体上的硅)衬底上外延生长的SiGe层进行了研究,并利用透射电镜、AES、Raman光谱、X-ray多晶衍射等技术对SiGe/SOI材料做了表征。

    The SiGe layer grown on the SOI substrate was studied in this paper . TEM , AES , Raman spectrum and X-ray diffraction were used to characterize the SiGe / SOI materials .

  19. 绝缘体上的硅(SOI)技术以其独特的结构在低压。低功耗电路,高温、抗辐照器件以及集成光电子器件方面有着广泛的应用。

    With its unique structure , silicon-on-insulator ( SOI ) has benn found great potential in integrated circuits , where lower power consumption and high speed are required , as well as in radiation hardened circuits and high temprature devices .

  20. 设计了一种基于绝缘体上的硅材料的全内反射型阵列波导光栅解复用器件。

    An arrayed waveguide grating ( AWG ) demultiplexer with total internal reflection ( TIR ) mirrors is designed based on silicon-on-insulator ( SOI ) material .