
  • 网络tube
  1. 用PLC控制换热管成形机液压系统

    PLC Control The Hydraulic System of Exchange Tube Forming Machine

  2. 高压加热器换热管破坏和预防

    Breakage and Protection of Heat Transfer Tube for High Pressure Heater

  3. 奥氏体不锈钢U形换热管局部固溶处理

    Solution Treatment of the Part of Austenitic Stainless Steel U-pipe

  4. U形换热管弯管机构的设计

    The Angel Pipe Structure Design of " U " - type Heat Exchanging Pipe

  5. 紫铜换热管与不锈钢管板接头的TIG焊

    TIG welding for austenitic stainless steel tube plate and copper pipe

  6. 同时,本文根据威尔逊法及修正威尔逊法,确定了空管和内置液轮机时换热管给热系数关联式中的C、P值。

    At the same time , using the method of Wilson , this paper confirm the value of C and P of the relating equation of the convection heat transfer coefficient in the heat exchanger tube with miniature hydraulic turbine and without insert .

  7. 文中传热系数K值的计算,换热管内液速w′的校核以及传热面积的校核较为合理。

    The calculation of value K denoting heat transfer factor is reasonable , and so are the checks of both the liquid flowing speed w ′ shown inside the tubes of heat transfer and the heat transfer area concerned .

  8. 首先,建立波纹型换热管几何模型和数学模型,分析了管内湍流流动特性,确定了影响换热特性与流动阻力的参数,采用高雷诺数k?

    First of all , sets up the geometric model and the mathematic model of corrugated pipes for transferring heat . Analyzing the turbulence characteristics in tubes and making sure the parameters those work on the heat characteristics and flow resistance .

  9. 俄制800MW机组凝汽器铜管泄漏原因分析潍坊发电厂汽轮机低压缸的排汽在凝汽器内分布不合理,造成凝汽器换热管热负荷不均匀。

    Cause Analysis on Copper Tubes Leakage of the Condenser for Russia-made 800 MW Units In view of the existing problems of the unreasonable steam distribution in condenser , optimal revamp for No.2 turbine low-pressure cylinder air-outlet channel is carried .

  10. 黄铜换热管的腐蚀破坏及预防措施

    Analysis and Prevention of Stress Corrosion on Brass Tube Heat Exchanger

  11. 标准式蒸发器换热管破裂分析

    The Break Analysis for Heat Transfer Tubes in a Standard Vaporiser

  12. 第一废热锅炉换热管爆裂原因分析及对策

    Reasons for heat exchange tube explosion of primary waste heat boiler

  13. 换热管的程序自动计数方法

    Method of Using Software to Execute Automatic Counting Heat Exchanging Tubes

  14. 换热管内插入物强化流动沸腾传热研究

    Investigation of Inserts in Tubes to Enhance Flow Boiling Heat Transfer

  15. 不锈钢薄壁波纹换热管强度的有限元分析

    A Strength Analysis of Stainless-steel Corrugated Tubes by Finite Element Method

  16. 蓄冷用四氢呋喃水合物换热管外结晶分解动力学特性

    Kinetics of Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate Formation-decomposition Outside of a Heat Transfer Tube

  17. 低翅片换热管固有频率计算方法探讨

    Discussion on calculation method for natural frequencies of low-finned heat exchanger tube

  18. 结果表明,流体诱导振动致使钛冷凝器换热管发生了共振现象。

    The results show that flow-induced vibration caused titanium condenser tube resonate .

  19. 太阳能吸热器换热管蓄热数值模拟与试验研究

    Numerical simulation and experiment of solar receiver tube for the space station

  20. 螺旋槽换热管传热面积计算

    Calculation of heat transfer surface area for spiral grooved tube

  21. 管内置弹性珠换热管的换热及结垢性能研究

    Research on heat exchanging and anti-fouling of pearl in tube

  22. 换热管单根试压用无压紧密封工装设计

    Design of No-compressed Sealing Tools Used in Pressure Test for Single Tube

  23. 一种冷凝强化换热管传热性能的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Heat Transfer on an Enhanced Condensation Tube

  24. 几种换热管在电场强化对流实验中传热性能比较

    Comparison of heat transfer performance of enhancement tubes in EHD convection experiment

  25. 合成氨废热锅炉换热管的应力腐蚀研究

    Study on Stress Corrosion Cracking of Exhaust-heat Recovery Boiler for Synthesis Ammonia

  26. 油冷却器换热管泄漏原因分析

    Leakage Reason Analysis for Heat Exchange Tube of Oil Cooler

  27. 换热管与管板角焊缝的射线检测研究

    Radiographic Examination for Fillet Weld of Tube - tube plate

  28. 程控单缸换热管成型机的研制

    The Development of Programmable Controller in Exchange Tube Forming Machine

  29. SO2冷却器换热管腐蚀穿孔分析及防护

    Corrosion Analysis and Protection of Heat-Exchange Tube in the SO 2 Cooler

  30. 不锈钢换热管应力腐蚀实例及分析

    Analysis of stress corrosion of stainless steel tube in exchange