
  • 网络roll change
  1. 带快速换辊装置的精密棒材轧机中高轧辊,凸芯轧辊

    Precise bar mill with rapid roll change

  2. 该光整机有快速换辊功能。自整角机式轧辊开度指示器

    The mill is equipped with speedy roll change device . selsyn ( - type ) roll-opening indicator

  3. 森吉米尔轧机(简称ZR轧机)是生产硅钢片产品的关键设备之一,生产中缠辊故障和齿轮箱失效故障频发,每次故障发生都造成长时间停产换辊和检修,经济损失非常巨大。

    Sendzimir mill ( the brief name is ZR mill ) is one of the key equipments in silicon steel strip production . The fault frequency of twine roller fault and gear box fault is very high in production .

  4. 改进后,轧辊换辊周期由原来的100km提高到160km,轧辊缺陷、轧辊消耗(含中间辊和支撑辊)大幅度降低,轧机小时产量提高11.1%。

    After modification , the roll changing period was increased from 100 km to 160 km , the roll defects and consumption ( including the intermediate rolls and backup rolls ) were greatly decreased , and the hour output of mill was improved by 11.1 % .

  5. 轧机支承辊换辊装置液压回路的改进

    Improvement of hydraulic circuit for the change of mill support roll

  6. 自动化全连续轧机换辊策略的研究

    Research on Roller Replacement Strategy for fully Automatic Continuous Rolling Mill

  7. Φ400无缝轧管机换辊系统的改造

    Revamping of the roll changing system of 400 mm seamless tube mill

  8. 冷轧机支承辊换辊新型自动撞钩装置

    Modified Automatic Hooking Device for Backup Roll Change of Cold Plate Mills

  9. 换辊时,适当标记和保护危险区。

    Mark and safeguard the danger area appropriately when changing the roll .

  10. 二辊式矫直机辊型及换辊方法的改进

    Improvement of Two-hi Straightening Roll Shape and Roll Change Method

  11. 换辊系统传感器预防性维修模型及其最优周期

    Preventive Maintenance Model and the Best Maintenance Periods of Roll Changing System Sensor

  12. 钩式换辊在铝箔轧机设计中的应用和改进

    Application and Improvment of the Hook-type Roll Exchanger in Aluminium Foil Roll Design

  13. 万能轧机机组自动换辊系统的改造

    Improvement on automatic roll changing system of universal mill

  14. 连轧机换辊系统的分布式操作控制系统

    Distributed Operation and Control System of Roll Changing in the Bar Continues Mill

  15. 中板厂四辊轧机换辊机改造

    Reconstruction of Roll Changer of 4-High Mill at the Medium Plate Rolling Plant

  16. 自动程序控制离心机热轧精轧机换辊自动化控制系统研究

    Research on Finishing Mill Roll Change Automatic Control System of Hot Strip Mill

  17. 快速换辊设备&车式双套筒换辊设备

    QUICK ROLL-CHANGING DEVICE & double sleeve roll-hanging car

  18. 新型工作辊快速换辊机

    New Type Working Roll Quick Changing Device

  19. 电加热密排辊连续退火炉换辊机的研讨

    Discussion on ROLL-SUBSTITUTION machine for continuous annealing furnace with electric heating and dense row of rolls

  20. 非换辊组成员不得身处危险区内。

    Personnel not belonging to the roll-changing team must not be present in the danger zone .

  21. 中轧机组快装快卸换辊系统的应用

    Use of Changing Rolls System with Rapid Loading and Rapid Removing in Medium Section Mill Group

  22. 开始控制前,必须了解换辊组各成员所在的位置。

    Before controls are actuated , the location of each member of the roll-changing team must be known .

  23. 它的结构简单、性能安全可靠、可实现快速换辊。

    The utility model has the advantages of simple structure and safe and reliable performance , and can realize rapid roller change .

  24. 本实用新型的优点在于能够减少换辊时间及减轻检修工人的劳动强度。

    The utility model has the advantages that the roller change time is reduced and the labor intensity of maintenance workers is lessened .

  25. 承钢热轧卷板厂粗轧机自动换辊程序优化大冶特钢650连轧厂基础自动化系统

    Automation Roll Change Program Optimization of ChengGang Hot Strip Plant Rougher Basic Automation System of Special Steel of Continuous 650 Mill Factory in Daye

  26. 介绍一种可在地面上操作即可摘钩的冷轧机支承辊换辊自动撞钩装置。

    The article introduces a modified automatic hooking device for cold plate mills with which the hooking operation can be preformed on the ground .

  27. 通过对某轧机轧辊平衡液压控制回路的分析,指出其在换辊方面存在的主要问题。

    By analysis of the hydraulic circuit of a roller balance system , the main problem of the circuit when changing rollers is pointed out .

  28. 分析了非对称截面特殊型钢轧制的特点:轴向力大,换辊频繁,表面精度要求高;

    The characteristics of rolling unsymmetrical section special shape , such as large axial force , high frequency changing roll and high precision surface , are analyzed .

  29. 本实用新型的使用可极大地提高矫直辊与张力装置的换辊的效率、安全性并有效地降低成本。

    The application of the roll changer can greatly improve roll changing efficiency and safety of the straightener roll and the tension roll and can effectively reduce cost .

  30. 本机具有全驱动、矫直质量高、换辊方便,易咬入、适宜于连续流水作业的优点。

    This machine has the entire drive , high-quality straightening , roll for convenient , easy to bite into , and suitable for the advantages of continuous flow process .