
  • 网络take another look at it
  1. 自我完善也许不是每个人都喜欢的词,但如果我们换个角度看问题,我们可能会有更大的机会享受整个过程,而不是数着日子,直到我们完全改善。

    Self-improvement may not be everybody 's favorite word , but if we look at things in a different way , we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process instead of counting the days until we are fully improved .

  2. 阁下,换个角度看问题是一回事。

    Sir , looking the other way is one thing .

  3. 横向思维就是从侧面换个角度看问题。

    Lateral thinking involves moving sideways to look at things in a different way .

  4. 生活总是遇到不如意,但我们可以换个角度看问题。

    Encountered in life is always unsatisfactory , but we can look at the issue from another angle .

  5. 乏味的铁路旅行好象火车每隔几分就停下来欣赏风景一样。注:换个角度看问题,慢车很乏味,但可以有更多的时间欣赏风景。

    A tedious railway journey was made in a train that seemed to stop every few minutes to admire the scenery .

  6. 现在我们换个角度看问题,如果让你给未来的自己写封信,你会写点什么?

    Now consider the opposite end of the spectrum ; what would you say if you wrote your future self a letter ?

  7. 可以换个角度看这个问题:想象一下在感恩节晚餐上有两位刚毕业的MBA遇上了,其中一位在谷歌工作,刚把自动驾驶汽车推向市场,另一位则在高盛高就。

    Another way to look at this : Picture two recent MBAs at Thanksgiving dinner . One works for Google , bringing self-driving cars to the market ; the other works at Goldman .

  8. 你也可以换个角度看这个问题。

    You can also look at it the other way .

  9. 我能否换个角度看这个问题?

    Could I possibly look at this issue any differently ?

  10. 试着“换个角度”看问题;

    Try to " reframe " the situation ;