
Soldiers who are fighting together often have a strong feeling of brotherhood .
What they have cannot equal that received by the high and virtuous ones .
and I stay open to the mysteries that are living right next to me .
There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude , a quiet joy .
People who are highly grateful try to remain calm and light , even in a stressful situation .
There will always be disharmony as long as there are individuals who harbour animosity , hate or jealousy .
With grateful hearts of the people are the most happy , Chang Huai life of gratitude is the sweetest .
Chang huaikang want to some old movie , for one of the scene or may be the end of a song .
By being grateful for whatever you currently have , it is much easier to pass some of your good fortune onto someone else .
If youre in the library , the store or your own living room , highly grateful people recognize that frowning and looking sour isnt pleasant for anyone .
Find little ways to incorporate gratitude in your life , and you 'll be much happier * and you 'll make the people around you much happier as well .
Well , maybe they do once in a while , but not often . Highly grateful people make an effort to smile at others no matter where they are .
Keep positive , fill you heart with gratitude for what you already have , and always remind to humble and true to who you are ! With Love , Your Soul
We should always be thankful for the new life He has been given to us , and to cherish it even more so that we can bring more blessings to other people as well .
A grateful mood is difficult to keep for we are too forgetful to the pains we have suffered , but as long as we can feel the gratitude , we will begin to relish our life .
And we also should be thankful that whenever we have trouble , we can always turn to our Holy Mother Mary , the She could play a vital role in intercession for us to His Most Beloved Son .