
  • 网络discovery teaching
  1. 指导发现式教学模式在健美操课中的运用

    The application of guidance - discovery teaching mode in calisthenics teaching

  2. 浅谈中专生的心理特点与发现式教学

    A Brief Talk on the Psychological Characteristics of Secondary Specialized School Students and Discovery Teaching

  3. 论发现式教学在数学教学改革中的作用

    The Effect of " Discovery Method-Teaching " on Mathematical Teaching Reformation

  4. 运用发现式教学方法开展机电专业创新教育

    Application of Constructive Teaching Method in Creative Education about Machine Electricity Profession

  5. 发现式教学法在高校专业地理课教学中的应用与思考

    Finding Teaching Profession in Colleges and Universities of Applied Geography Teaching and Thinking

  6. 浅析数学教学中的发现式教学法

    On the Detection Teaching Method in Maths Teaching

  7. 这就要求在新课程教学中多用探究式和发现式教学方法。

    The course teaching requires more inquiring and discovering teaching methods in order to be more integrated and scientific .

  8. 但如何在高中数学课堂教学中开展引导&发现式教学仍是一个值得探讨的问题。

    But how to carry out in high school mathematics teaching " guide-found " teaching mode is still a problem worth exploring .

  9. 通过分析与比较讲授式教学与发现式教学具体课例,归纳出发现式教学与接受式教学的区别,并据此进一步提出了对发现学习意义性与机械性的理解。

    Through analyzing and comparing the two instructional method , the writer conclude the differences between them , then further expresses how to understand the meaningfulness and mechanicalness of the discovery method .

  10. 主体参与式学习法、赏识教育教学法、发现式教学法、自由创编法和合作性学习法等都是体育教学培养学生创新能力的行之有效的教学方法。

    The main body participation learning method , appreciation educational method , discovery teaching method , free creative method and cooperative learning method are all effective to develop students'creative ability through P.E. .

  11. 论述了指导发现式教学模式在健美操课中的运用程序与实现环境等原理,并在其对健美操中的运用进行了分析。

    The application procedure and realization environment of the guidance discovery teaching mode in calisthenics teaching are expounded in this paper . And the application of the mode in calisthenics teaching is analyzed and discussed .

  12. 近几年,许多一线教师已经对这种教学模式开展了理论与实践研究,提倡运用引导&发现式教学已成为广大数学教师的共识。

    In recent years , many classroom teachers have been on this teaching model , theory and practice , to promote the use of " guide-found " teaching mode has become the consensus of the majority of mathematics teachers .

  13. 随着教育改革的进行,引导一发现式教学己成为基础教育新课程提倡的教学模式之一,也是新一轮基础教育课程改革中关注的热点。

    With the conduct of education reform ," the guide-found " teaching mode has become one of the basic education new curriculum to promote the teaching mode , the focus of attention in the new round of curriculum reform of basic education .

  14. 新课程高中语文发现式阅读教学探索

    New Curriculum High School Language Discovery Type Reading Teaching Exploration

  15. 天然药物化学发现式实验教学的探索与运用

    Explorations and Exercises of Discovery in Experiment Teaching of Natural Product Chemistry

  16. 我认为,发现式阅读教学让学生成为了阅读的主体,让语文课堂焕发勃勃生机。

    The Discovery Teaching of Reading will enable the student to be the subject of reading and learning and make the Chinese class more generative and colorful .

  17. 笔者在大量阅读了有关支架式教学研究的相关文献后发现支架式教学核心的特点是以学生为中心,利用情境、协作、会话等学习环境要素充分发挥学生的主动性、积极性和首创精神。

    After reading a lot about researches on scaffolding instruction , the author found that the core of scaffolding instruction lied in the using of context , cooperation and dialogue to making best use of the initiative and enthusiasm of students , with students in the very center .

  18. 本项目研究了应用发现式的教学法,对化工环保实验教学进行改革,指导学生自己设计实验方案、方法、步骤,独立完成实验。

    This item researched and put to use " discover manner " the teaching method , carried out the new reform of chemical industry environmental protection in teaching methods , and guided students to design the plan , method and steps of the experiment and completed it by themselves .

  19. 通过对儿童浸入英语的实践与观察,发现英语浸入式教学对儿童的身心和语言发展有多方面的意义。

    Through the practice and observation of children in the immersion program , we found that English Immersion has some impacts on children .

  20. 虽然此次课程改革以失败而告终,但是发现式学习方法及其教学方法的提出却受到了广泛的关注。

    Although the reformation failed , the discover-learning and teaching method was proposed and received the great attention .

  21. 笔者在高职药物化学实验教学中,对应用发现式学习理论进行教学做了有益的探索。

    The authors have beneficially explored the " Discover Study Theory " in the senior vocational pharmaceutical chemistry experiment teaching .

  22. 实验结果发现,讨论式英语教学在提高我国非英语专业大学生英语综合能力方面优于传统讲演法,并且这种方法对于男女学生英语能力的提高没有性别上的显著差异。

    It reveals that discussion-oriented teaching is better in improving comprehensive competence of non-English majors and it shows no difference in the teaching outcome between two sexes .

  23. 在教学实践中,发现互动式的体育教学模式能够充分调动学生的积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学的质量。

    In more than year of teaching practices , I thought the interaction type of sports educational model can fully arouse student 's enthusiasm student 's study interest , enhances the teaching the quality .