
zhù rù shì jiào xué
  • Injective teaching;teaching by pouring in
  1. 多媒体CAI是改革注入式教学的可行途径

    Multimedia-CAI Is the Best Way to Innovate the Feeding Instruction

  2. 从注入式教学到启发式教学,是教学观念上的一次重大进步,但启发式教学是否就是教学的最高境界?

    Is heuristic teaching the highest state ?

  3. 传统的注入式教学中,忽视了对学生提出问题能力培养。

    In the traditional physics teaching , how to cultivate students ' questioning ability is neglected .

  4. 改革传统的注入式教学,实践以学生为本的参与式学习,是当前课堂教学改革的重要方面。

    Changing the traditional " cramming " way of teaching into the student-oriented " Participating Learning " is the important aspect of the current classroom teaching reform .

  5. 法律基础课教学应当改变传统的注入式教学,采用互动式教学方法,以激发学生学习法律的积极性;

    The traditional spoon-feeding way of teaching of the course should be changed and an interactive approach should be adopted to stimulate students ' enthusiasm to Study laws .

  6. 转变教学方式是关键。改革注入式教学方法和传统的班级授课制教学组织形式,改变僵化的制度化形式,提倡个性化学习方式,开展选择性学习和研究性学习。

    Changing teaching method as a key measure , changing traditional cram class teaching form and rigid educational system , introducing choosing and research study into the practical teaching ;

  7. 在分析传统注入式教学模式弊端的基础上,明确互动式教学过程应当遵循的四项规则。

    In the analysis tradition " the spoon-feeding " in the educational model malpractice foundation , four rules which explicit " the interaction type " the teaching process must follow .

  8. 由于情境教学是情境共振,可以获得比传统的注入式教学明显好的效果。

    Because the situation teaching is a construction of " the sentiment " " the boundary " , it can obtain better effects compared to the traditional spoon-feeding teaching tangible .

  9. 同时结合课堂教学与新课改下教学方法的变化,对比分析了探究式教学与之前的启发式教学及注入式教学之间的联系和区别。

    In combination with the classroom teaching and under the new curriculum teaching method changes are analyzed and contrasted research-style teaching and before the heuristic teaching and between teaching between relation and difference .

  10. 通过实践探索,综述了启发式的教学模式在体育教学中可行,并且教学效果优于传统的注入式教学模式。

    Though the practice research , summarizes the " heuristic " teaching mode can practice in the athletics teaching , and the teaching result is better than traditional " cramminy method " teaching mode .

  11. 创新教育是素质教育的核心,创新素质的培养必须改革应试教育中的唯知识教育和注入式教学。

    Innovative education is the core of quality oriented education . To cultivate innovative quality , we must reform the " knowledge center " education and the framing mode of teaching used in examination oriented education .

  12. 在目前高校思想政治理论课教学中,传统教学模式仍未得当根本改造,注入式教学的弊端仍然普遍存在。

    In the present university thought politics theory class teaching , the tradition educational model the appropriate radical transformation , the tradition unidirectional has still not instilled into the type teaching the malpractice still generally to exist .

  13. 讲授法是教师通过语言向学生传递知识的方法,它与注入式教学有着明显的区别,这是我们正确认识和运用讲授法的前提。

    Lecture method is the teachers transfer knowledge to students through the language of the method , It injection there was a clear distinction between teaching , this is teaching us to correctly understand and apply the law of the premise .

  14. 民国时期小学数学教学法以传统的注入式教学法为最先改造对象,在适应新的形势要求下经历了草创期、探索期和成熟期三个发展阶段。

    Republican Primary Mathematics Teaching in the traditional teaching method for the first transformation into the object , in adapting to the new situation , the request went through the embryonic period , to explore the three stages of development and maturity .

  15. 情境教学是对注入式教学的否定,但这种在人为创设的情境中所进行的情境教学,是与语文教学中一元化的思想教育目的相适应的。

    The teaching method of the emotion setting is the negation of the spoon-feeding way of teaching , but this kind of teaching method , which is carried out in the man-made setting , fits in with the aim of the centralized ideological education in the Chinese teaching .

  16. 现今新课程标准下的语文教学,注入式的教学方法已经不再受到老师和学生的欢迎,而探究式的教学方法正在逐渐成为一种重要的教学方法。

    Now under the new curriculum standard of Chinese teaching , " between " method of teaching is no longer restricted by teachers and students ' welcome , and " exploratory " teaching methods are gradually become an important teaching method .

  17. 单篇课文讲授可以比较精细,对相关知识点的讲解比较透彻,但是在教学过程中,教师更多的是倾向于注入式的教学方式,而且孤立地讲解单篇,忽视了一个单元的整体系统。

    A single text teaching can be more elaborate , with related knowledge on the quite thorough , but in the process of teaching , teachers are more inclined to inject type teaching way , and isolated on a single , ignored a unit system .