
  • 网络Ventilation Volume
  1. 它克服了现有火车通风装置换气量小的缺点,改善了列车内部的温度和空气环境。

    The utility model overcomes the shortcoming that the ventilation volume of the ventilator of the existing train is small , and the temperature and air environment in the train can be improved .

  2. 再次,本文首次尝试针对多区建筑的自然通风利用率评估进行建模,其主要原理是在原有大开口通风的MIX流动模型的基础上,求得室内温度与换气量,再计算节能效果。

    Further , this paper built a model for the evaluation of multi-zone building , which was based on the MIX model of large opening ventilation to calculate the indoor temperature and ventilation volume and the energy conservation effect .

  3. 采用自行车运动递增负荷试验,通过监测每分钟换气量(VE)、氧摄取量(VO2)和二氧化碳排出量(VCO2)来确定无氧代谢阈值(AT)。

    AT could be determined easily during the bicycle ergometer test by measuring minute ventilation ( VE ), oxygen uptake ( VO2 ) and carbon dioxide output ( VCO2 ) .

  4. 民用建筑地下汽车库通风换气量计算及风机选用方案探讨

    Ventilation calculation and fan specification for the underground car park in civil buildings

  5. 地下停车库通风换气量计算公式的分析探讨

    Analysis and Study on the Formulas of Ventilation Rate Calculation in the Underground Car Parks

  6. 民用建筑地下停车库通风换气量计算及现场实测分析

    Calculation of ventilating rate and analyses of field measurement for underground garages of civil buildings

  7. 住宅建筑自平衡新风设备的应用,给室内人员提供适量新风换气量。

    The balance new wind equipments had provided enough fresh air ventilation in residential buildings .

  8. 如经过同意,当实验室无人时,可以将换气量降为6次每小时。

    With approval , airflow may set back to6 air changes per hour when space is unoccupied .

  9. 密闭式蛋鸡舍太阳辐射热量及其夏季换气量的计算

    Solar radiative heat calculation of layers ' house and the amount of ventilation per layer in summer season

  10. 同时,根据相关规范对车站通风换气量的规定,分析了不同开窗面积时车站通风换气的情况。

    This paper also analyzes the ventilation in different window area in accordance with the provisions of the relevant regulations on the amount of station ventilation .

  11. 结果表明,外区房间自然通风换气量的加大,可能会导致内区房间的生物颗粒数量增多;

    The result shows that the number of biological particles in an inner zone room increases with the increase of the air exchange rate of the adjacent peripheral zone room .

  12. 通过对不同位置的横向通道不同开闭情况进行模拟研究,发现了横向气流对具有中庭空间的高层住宅建筑换气量的贡献。

    Through simulating different cases of horizontal passway , it is found that the horizontal airflow take a breath contribution to natural ventilation rate of the tall residential building with the atrium .

  13. 本文根据工程设计经验对地下车库通风换气量和排烟量的确定,通风与排烟系统方案设计,提出自己的看法,供大家参考。

    According to the engineering experience , the determination of the quantity of the ventilation and smoke of underground garage , and the design project for the ventilation and smoke system were proposed .

  14. 为防止潮湿和有害气体的增加,在塑料棚上方前檐下设换气窗,使舍内形成通过换气量可以控制温热状态的小气候。

    In order to prevent the increase of damp and harmful gases , a window was designed under the front eaves of the plastic shed , so that the microclimate of the room can be controlled .

  15. 因此在进行室内气流组织和换气量分析之前有必要对小区风环境进行研究。

    Therefore , it was necessary to make a research for residential wind environment before analyzing the indoor airflow and ventilation . Firstly , this article analyzed the wind environment of the entire district was analyzed in summer and winter dominant wind .

  16. 试验与应用的结果说明该模型具有两个作用,一是预测室内空气污染物浓度以及进行室内空气质量评价,二是计算室内最佳材料使用量和通风换气量。

    The results show that the model has two functions one of which is to predict the indoor pollutant concentration and evaluate the indoor air quality , the other is to calculate the quantities of the building material and determine the ventilation rate .

  17. 20世纪70年代爆发的全球能源危机使制冷空调系统这一能源消耗大户面临严峻的考验,为了节能降耗,建筑物的密闭性增强,换气量减少。

    Since the global energy crisis of the 70 's of last century broke out , the air-conditioning system , one of the biggest energy-consumers , is designed to reduce energy-consumption . Thus buildings become more and more airtight , to bring on the large decrease of air exchange amount .

  18. 二冲程内燃机换气时新鲜充量的逃逸损失主要来自首先进入气缸的那部分扫气气体。

    The loss of fresh charge due to escaping is mainly from the scavenging gas which enters the cylinder first when the gas transfer takes place in a two stroke I. C.

  19. 换气功能对去除挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)有效,去除效果与换气量成正比;

    The air exchange function has certain effect on Total Volatile Organic Compound ( TVOC ), and the effect is in direct proportion to the air flow volume .