
  1. 结果表明:填加了粉石英改性粉体的乙丙绝缘胶的性能指标优于填加滑石粉的。

    The results showed that the property indexes of ethylene-propylene rubber added powdery quartz was better than the property indexes of ethylene-propylene rubber added talc .

  2. 介绍了该醇酸树脂的配方和生产工艺。列举了由该树脂配制快干醇酸清漆、快干工业磁漆和快干绝缘漆的性能指标,优于常用醇酸漆。

    The formulation and production technology of this alkyd resin were described , and the technical specifications of the fast dry lacquer , fact dry industry enamel and fast dry electric insulation varnish hased on this alkyd resin were given with superior performance to the conventional alkyd resin paint .