
  1. 昨天是我第一次玩吃鸡(绝地求生)。如果你在这局游戏里面失去优势了,别失去理智。不要失去理智

    Yesterday I lost my cherry playing PUBG . If you lose your ground in the game , don 't lose your head . Don 't lose your head .

  2. 被亲切地称为吃鸡的绝地求生就像已经被玩坏了的饥饿游戏。这是一个多人在线的视频游戏,游戏中你将被降落在一个岛上,通过寻找武器保护你自己,最终只能有一个人或团队存活下来。

    Player Unknown Battlegrounds , affectionately known as PUBG , is like the Hunger Games on crack . It 's an online multiplayer video game where you 're locked on an island , scavenging for weapons , and there 's only one man or team left standing .