
  • 网络crystal symmetry;Symmetry in crystal
  1. 根据晶体的对称性、衍射几何和衍射规律,研究了复杂的发散X射线晶体衍射。

    Acoording to the crystal symmetry , diffraction geometry and the diffraction laws , the complicated divergent beam X-ray diffraction has been studied .

  2. 肯定了NAB晶体的对称性,并发现了该晶体中存在异结构夹层,它们和[101]方向约成60Ⅰ°交角,层状分布在晶体之中。

    It has been found out that interlayers of different structures exist in the crystal , which distribute in layers and form a 60 ° angle with ( 101 ) direction .

  3. 利用晶体的对称性讨论三维晶格振动

    A discussion of three-dimensional lattice vibration in crystal by its symmetry

  4. 手性结构破坏了晶体的对称性,从而使原先简并的横波模分裂成一对左右旋模式。

    The chiral structures break the symmetry so that the degenerate transverse modes split into a pair of right-hand polarized mode and left-hand polarized mode .

  5. 高维空间晶体可能的对称性

    The Possible Symmetry of Crystal in High-Dimensional Space

  6. 全同立构聚丙烯晶体结构的对称性研究

    Symmetry studies of crystal structures of isotactic polypropylene

  7. 晶体的宏观对称性与微观对称性

    The Macroscopic and Microscopic Symmetries in Crystal

  8. 影响碳酸钙晶须结晶过程的内部因素包括晶体结构的对称性、结构基元间的作用力、晶格缺陷等,外部因素主要包括反应器的结构因素和操作因素两大类。

    For crystallization process , the internal influence factors are symmetrical characteristic of crystalloid structure , acting force of different basic dollar , and lattice defect , while the external influence factors mainly include reactor structure and operation factors .

  9. 浅谈晶体物理性质的对称性

    A discussion about the symmetry of physical properties of a crystal

  10. 泵浦过程中晶体热效应的对称性

    Symmetry of thermal effects in pumping process for crystals

  11. 四方相二氧化锆晶体振动模的对称性

    Symmetry Properties of Normal Vibrations for Tetragonal Zirconia

  12. 石英晶体结构的三角对称性和Cr/Au掩模的耐腐蚀性是限制微细加工制作石英音叉达到理想形状的关键。

    The trigonal symmetry of the quartz crystal and the corrosive-resistance of Cr / Au mask are the keys to limit the outline of the quartz tuning fork .

  13. NH4H2PO4晶体反铁电相的对称性及序参量

    Symmetry and Order Parameter of the Antiferroelectrics NH_4H_2PO_4

  14. 实验发现丙氨酸晶体的空间群P212121对称性没有改变。

    No change in the space group P212121 symmetry was observed .

  15. 这个相的选区电子衍射花样显示出准晶体结构的五次对称性。

    The selected area diffraction patterns from the phase show a fivefold symmetry of a qua-sierystalline structure .

  16. 枝晶分枝程度与过冷度和晶体对称性有关,分枝反映晶体的对称性。

    Dentrite branching related to super-cooling reflects the symmetry of its crystal .

  17. 然后分析了平移对称性在声子晶体能带结构调节中的影响,以及如何通过人工调节改变声子晶体的平移对称性。

    Then the regulation of translational symmetry to the phonon energy band structure of photonic crystal , as well as how to change phonon translational symmetry of the crystal artificially were analyzed .

  18. 准晶体(Quasicyrstal)是具有与晶体相似的长程有序的原子排列,但不具备晶体的平移对称性的一种结构。

    The quasi-crystals is similar to the crystal long-range ordered atomic arrangement , but do not have the translational symmetry of a crystal structure .