
  • 网络transistor millivoltmeter;transistorized millivoltmeter
  1. 传统的RLC串联谐振实验方法需用晶体管毫伏表大量测量数据,实验方法繁琐且没有直观性,在实验过程中不便于分析和讨论。

    Traditional method of RLC series resonance experiment needs to measure plenty of data with transistor millivoltmeter . It is very complicated and not visual , thus not convenient for an analysis and discussion .

  2. 用指针式晶体管毫伏表测非正弦周期电压有效值

    Measuring the effective value of the non sinusoidal periodic voltage by transistor MV - meter

  3. 指针式晶体管毫伏表可用于测量直流分量为零的非正弦周期信号电压的有效值。

    The transistor MV meter may be applied to measure the effective value of non sinusoidal periodic voltage .

  4. 晶体管交流毫伏表只能用于正弦电压测量,使测量任意波形电压受到限制。

    Transistor AC millivoltmeters specially used to measure the sinusoidal voltage are limited in measuring any other waves of voltage .