
  1. 高精度DY稳恒磁场测试仪的研制及应用

    Study and Application of a High-Precision Permanent Magnetic Field Measurement Instrument for CRT DY

  2. 螺线管磁场测试仪中心磁场测量的不确定度评定和仪器定标

    Uncertainty of measuring center magnetic field of solenoid field measurement instrument and scaling of the apparatus

  3. 海洋磁场性质测试仪

    Marine magnetic field property tester

  4. 该文介绍了运用霍尔传感器研制的磁悬浮轴承磁场均匀性测试仪。

    Based on Hall sensor , this paper introduces a testing system of magnetic fields uniformity on magnetic bearings .