
  • 网络Magnetic Bearing;Amb
  1. 基于H∞理论的轴向磁悬浮轴承控制器

    Design and implementation of magnetic bearing controller based on H_ ∞ theory

  2. 磁悬浮轴承(MB)是一种新型的机电式轴承,是利用电磁场对导磁体的作用力而实现对转子的无接触支承。

    Magnetic Bearing ( MB ) is a kind of new typical mechatronics product which utilizes the electromagnetic attractive force exerting on a magnetic conductor to suspend a rotor without any contact .

  3. 4自由度主动磁悬浮轴承H∞动态补偿器控制设计

    4-DoF active magnetic bearing control based on H_ ∞ dynamical compensator

  4. 基于DSP的混合磁悬浮轴承数字控制器的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Digital Controller of HMB Based on DSP

  5. 主动磁悬浮轴承系统中的模糊自整定PID控制研究

    Application Research of Fuzzy PID Self-adjusting Control in the AMB System

  6. 磁悬浮轴承的H∞鲁棒&模糊控制的研究

    Research on Bar-Fuzzy Control of Magnatic Suspension Bearings

  7. 基于DSP的磁悬浮轴承控制系统的研制

    The Research of Control System of Magnetic Suspending Bearing Based on DSP

  8. 基于模糊自整定PID控制的磁悬浮轴承控制器

    PID Controller of Magnetic Suspension Bearing Based on Fuzzy Self - regulating

  9. 基于H∞理论的数控机床磁悬浮轴承控制器的研究

    The research of magnetic suspension bearing controller for NC machine tool based on H ∞ theory

  10. 由于磁悬浮轴承具有开环不稳定性,因此采用PID闭环控制。

    The magnetic bearings with open-loop instability used a PID closed-loop control . 2 .

  11. 提出了主动磁悬浮轴承的一种变参数PID控制方案,给出了控制器参数的整定原则。

    This paper presents a variable parameter PID controller applied to the magnetic bearings system .

  12. 针对实验室的磁悬浮轴承试验平台,采用Matlab仿真软件进行了交叉PID集中控制系统的仿真研究。

    We simulated the controller system by the Matlab on the base of AMB testing platform .

  13. 基于DSP的快速最优PID控制在磁悬浮轴承中的应用

    The Application of High Speed and Optimal Control in Magnetic Suspension Bearing System Based on DSP

  14. 磁悬浮轴承的模糊PID控制

    Fuzzy PID Control of Magnetic Bearing

  15. 基于USB总线的高速磁悬浮轴承电机系统设计研究

    The Design of Data-acquired Motor System in High-speed Magnetic Bearing based on USB Bus

  16. 利用MATLAB和ANSYS相结合的方法,对磁悬浮轴承进行了动态特性分析。

    By combining ANSYS with MATLAB , we can obtain the dynamic characteristics of the magnetic bearing .

  17. 基于CPLD的飞轮磁悬浮轴承低功耗开关功率放大器研究

    Research On Switching Power Amplifier of Magnetic Bearing For Flywheel Based On CPLD

  18. 基于LMS算法的磁悬浮轴承系统振动补偿

    Real-time vibration compensation for active magnetic bearing systems based on LMS algorithm

  19. 仿真结果表明,这种变参数PID控制器对磁悬浮轴承有比较好的控制效果。

    The simulation results show that the control effect of the variable parameter PID controller is better than that of the conventional PID controllers .

  20. 并利用MATLAB的模糊控制箱对磁悬浮轴承的模糊PID控制进行了仿真,并将传统PID控制与变参数PID控制进行了对比。

    Fuzzy control box of MATLAB simulates the fuzzy PID control on the magnetic bearing , and compared traditional PID control with variable PID control parameters .

  21. 针对磁悬浮轴承位移检测的特点,设计了一套以DSP为核心的五自由度位移测量系统。

    Aiming at the characteristics of displacement measuring for active magnetic Bearings ( AMB ), designs a set five degree-of-freedom ( 5-DOF ) measuring system based on DSP .

  22. 针对磁悬浮轴承无法建立精确数学模型的特点,本文将PID神经元网络控制应用于系统中,并基于VB进行了仿真。

    As the accurate mathematic model of magnetic bearing is hard to establish , the PID neural network control is designed for the magnetic bearing system .

  23. 利用常规PID的3个参数作为专家PID控制器的初始参数设计了专家PID控制器,并在磁悬浮轴承平台上进行了实验。

    Expert-PID controller was developed by utilizing the three parameters of traditional PID controller as the initial parameters of Expert-PID and experiment was carried out on the MSB platform .

  24. 该原型机采用了径向永磁轴承和单端轴向电磁轴承相结合的磁悬浮轴承系统,基于霍尔传感器的转子轴向位移径向检测系统,以及模拟PID控制器和线性功率放大器。

    The prototype utilizes MB system combined with radial PMB and single axial AMB , rotor axial displacement detection system based on Hall sensors , analog PID controller and linear power amplifier .

  25. 在建立单自由度主动磁悬浮轴承系统数学模型的基础上,分析了目前应用的PID控制器的不足,并提出了一种改进型PID控制器。

    On the basis of a mathematical model with one degree of freedom , an improved PID controller for the system is put forward in contrast with the disadvantage of traditional PID controller .

  26. 对一个五自由度的磁悬浮轴承系统进行试验研究,结果表明,采用H∞控制器成功实现了五自由度磁悬浮轴承系统的稳定悬浮,在最高转速30000r/min时转子的振动峰峰值小于60μm。

    The experiments were completed on a five degrees of freedom magnetic bearing test rig , the peak to peak vibration amplitude is less than 60 μ m at the highest rotation speed of 30000 r / min.

  27. 与传统轴承相比,磁悬浮轴承具有无接触、无摩擦、无污染、精度高及悬浮可靠等优点,因而在NC机床上受到广泛的应用。

    Compared to traditional bearing , the magnetic bearing system is finding more and more application because it can offer a non-contact , non-friction , high precision , and reliable method of suspending a rotor .

  28. 对以DSP为核心的磁悬浮轴承控制器、控制硬件的构成及其外围电路的设计,采用Fuzzy蛳PID控制方法,并用C语言编制了相应的数控软件。

    This paper expatiates composing of controlling hardware of the magnetically suspended bearing controller on the basis of DSP and the design of peripheral circuits . Fuzzy - PID controlling means is adopted and the corresponding software is written using C.

  29. 第一阶段:以模拟PID控制器为核心的主动磁悬浮轴承控制系统的设计。同时,还须设计与此相关的传感器检测电路(以NE5520为核心)和驱动电路(TL494为核心)。

    Firstly , we design the AMB system with analog PID controller , which includes analog PID controller , sensor and drive circuit designing .

  30. 根据轴承最大起浮力为给定工作载荷的ns倍为设计准则来确定径向轴承的内、外径,完成了磁悬浮轴承的设计,使设计的轴承更加适应于实际的应用;

    According to the suspend force is ns times than given load , we design inner diameter and outer diameter of the AMB , which make the bearing more compatible .