
  • 网络magnetic opticity;magneto-optic rotation;magnetic rotation;MOR;magnetically active
  1. 磁致旋光增强效应与微量样品旋光检测方法植物样品的EDX微区定量分析研究

    Effect of Magneto-Optic Rotation Enhancement and the Polarimetric Detection of the Small Rotation Angles Energy Dispersive Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis for Plant Materials

  2. 磁致旋光效应在测量脉冲大电流中的应用

    The application of magnetic rotation effect in measuring strong impulse current

  3. 对ZF1、ZF6磁光玻璃的磁致旋光效应分别进行了实验研究,给出偏振面旋转角与磁感应强度的关系,计算出波长不变情况下不同磁感应强度的费尔德常数。

    The relationship between the azimuth rotation of the polarization plane of the linearly polarized optical beam and magnetic field strength is indicated by experiment . The Verdet constant under different magnetic filed strength ( the operating light wavelength is fixed all the time ) is calculated .

  4. 分析了早期实验的失败原因,分析了磁致旋光效应的发现情况和影响磁致旋光效应的因素。

    The causes that the experiments early are abortive were analyzed .

  5. 《法拉第日记》中有关磁致旋光内容的研究

    The Research on Contents of Magnetic-optic Rotation in Faraday 's Diary

  6. 微机在磁致旋光效应教学中的应用

    The application of computer to teaching in magneto-optical rotation effect

  7. 磁光玻璃磁致旋光效应的研究

    Research on Faraday Effect in Magneto-optic Glass

  8. 法拉第磁致旋光效应及应用

    Faraday magneto-optical rotation effect and its application

  9. 本文提出一种新型中频差双频激光器&磁致旋光-塞曼双频激光器。

    The dual-frequency laser as a light source takes a key element in the interferometer .

  10. 本文简介了法拉第磁致旋光效应的物理学基础,以及由此原理研制的在自动化工程中常用的两种器件:磁光调制器、磁光隔离器。

    We introduced the principle of Faraday optical effect , and its application : two optical device .

  11. 本文对磁光玻璃光纤的磁致旋光效应及其在全光纤电流传感器中的应用进行了研究。

    Faraday effect in magneto-optic glass fiber and its application to all-fiber current transducer are studied in this thesis .

  12. 本文提出一种利用磁致旋光效应(法拉第效应)测量脉冲大电流的方法。

    A new method of measuring strong impulse current with magnetic rotation effect ( Faraday effect ) was put forward .

  13. 其中,基于磁致旋光机理的光学电流互感器是通过对光强的测量来反映电网中的电流信息。

    Including the operating principle of OCT based on magneto-optical rotation is reflecting current information of grid by measuring light intensity .

  14. 基于磁致旋光介质的法拉第磁光效应,设计了一种光纤电流传感器。核心部件采用了Ga:YIG磁光晶体。

    Novel fiber-optic current sensor based on the Faraday Magneto-Optic effect with a hardcore of Ga : YIG crystal was designed .

  15. 法拉第磁光效应发生的物质基础是磁光介质,磁致旋光效应正是线偏光与该介质发生作用的结果。

    The material base is magneto-optic material that Faraday magneto-optic effect brings about , which is the result that plane polarized light interact between magneto-optic material .

  16. 论文首先分析了单模光纤中电磁场的分布,阐述了磁光玻璃光纤的磁致旋光效应的理论,总结出了磁致旋光效应的规律。

    The distribution of electromagnetic field in single-mode fiber is analyzed , the theory of Faraday effect in magneto-optic glass fiber is clarified and the rules of Faraday effect are concluded in this thesis .

  17. 因此,文中介绍了磁光效应的原理,和我们所做介质磁致旋光效应实验、磁场的测量实验,并对磁致旋光参量&费尔德常数随各种因素变化的规律进行了研究。

    So the paper introduces the principle of magneto-optic effect , and the dielectric magneto-optic rotation experiment and about measuring magnetic which we have done , then researches Verde constant law by different kinds of factors .