
  • 网络mica tape;VPI
  1. F级中温固化云母带的研制

    Study on F grade mica tape cured by middle temperature was developed

  2. 本文系研究F级绝缘胶,并制成云母带用作电机主绝缘。

    The paper deals with the study of the insulating binders of Class F , which is applied to mica tape used in main insulation for electric machines .

  3. 新型F级云母带用胶粘剂的研制

    Study on new adhesive for class F mica tape

  4. F级快固化高强度环氧多胶玻璃粉云母带的研制及评定

    The development and evaluation of F-Class quick curing high strength resin-rich fiberglass mica tape

  5. 乡村风情巧手拼布DIY新型单面补强少胶粉云母带研制及应用

    Development and Application of New Type Single Glass - cloth Reinforced Dry Mica-paper Tapes

  6. 高压电机少胶云母带配套用VPI浸渍树脂的研制

    Research and preparation of VPI resin for dry mica tape for high-voltage motors

  7. 国内少胶云母带VPI整浸绝缘的改进和发展

    Improving and developing of dry mica tape VPI insulation

  8. VPI粉云母带的选型试验研究

    Research on dry mica tape selection for VPI insulation

  9. 为电机主绝缘VPI工艺选择合适的粉云母带,对几种真空压力浸渍(VPI)用云母带进行了试验研究,分析了选型原则,同时对比了几种粉云母带的性能。

    This article introduces the selection study of dry mica tape for Vaccum Pressure Impregnation ( VPI ) insulation .

  10. 自制高压电动机的综合继电保护装置不饱和聚酯亚胺/少胶粉云母带绝缘及VPI工艺在高压电机中的应用

    Application of the unsaturated polyester-imide resin / dry mica tape insulation system and VPI process to high voltage motors

  11. 本文介绍了导热系数大于0.4W/m·K的新型高导热环氧玻璃粉云母带的研制和提高导热系数的途径。

    This paper introduces a new type epoxy glass cloth reinforced mica paper tape of high thermal conductivity about 0.4W / m · K. The main materials , preparation process for increasing thermal conductivity and usage of the tape were researched .

  12. 阐述了少胶粉云母带的组成结构和性能以及应用要求。概述了国内外高电压电机用少胶VPI浸渍树脂和少胶粉云母带的发展状况。

    It also discuss the composition , structure , properties and the requirement to application of dry-mica tape and introduces the development of impregnating resin / dry mica tape insulation system for VPI to high-voltage electric machine in china and overseas .

  13. 对5442-1云母带起泡及反粘的探讨

    Discussion on Bubbling and Abnormal Adhesion of 5442-1 Mica Paper Tape

  14. 有机硅粘结剂在耐火云母带中的应用研究

    Study on application of organic silicone adhesive on fireproof mica tape

  15. 高压电机用新型玻璃粉云母带性能及应用的研究

    The performance and application of new mica tape for high-voltage motors

  16. 耐火云母带在电线电缆中的应用

    The application of fire resistant mica tape in wire and cable

  17. 新型系列少胶粉云母带的应用

    Properties and applications of new series of dry mica tapes

  18. 高导热多胶粉云母带研制过程中的几个问题

    Study on rich resin mica tape with high thermal conductivity

  19. 桐马环氧玻璃粉云母带在大型发电机上的应用

    Tong-ma Epoxy Glass Mica Paper Tape Application on Large Generator

  20. 真空压力浸渍用少胶粉云母带的分析对比

    Analysis and Comparision of the Dry Mica-Paper Tapes for VPI

  21. 厚粉纸云母带在出口机组中的应用

    Application of Thick Mica Tape on Export Electric Machinery

  22. 有机硅粘合剂在耐火云母带上的应用

    The application of silicone adhesives on fire-resistent mica tape

  23. 高压电机绝缘云母带用胶粘剂的发展现状及趋势

    The actual state and trend of resin used in mica tape for high-voltage motors

  24. 三峡水轮发电机用桐马环氧玻纤粉云母带

    Tong-ma epoxy glass-fiber mica tape for Three-Gorge hydro-generator

  25. 新型高导热率环氧玻璃粉云母带的研制

    Research on a New Type Epoxy Glass-Cloth Reinforced Mica-Paper Tape of High Thermal Conductivity

  26. 浅析原材料对云母带质量的影响

    Effect of Raw Material on Mica Ribbon

  27. 作用通过试验分析,筛选出不饱和聚酯亚胺树脂体系的少胶粉云母带和浸渍漆的绝缘组合,取得了良好的效果。

    Authors select unsaturated polyester-imide resin system as motors insulation and have obtained good effect .

  28. 高压电机用新型真空压力浸渍树脂及少胶粉云母带的研制

    Research of the New Impregnating Resin / Dry Mica Tape Insulation and VPI Process to High-Voltage Electric Machine

  29. 单面聚酯薄膜补强少胶粉云母带在高压电机主绝缘中的应用研究

    Research on the application of polyester film-backed dry mica tapes to the thin main insulation of high-voltage motors

  30. 绝缘云母带,包括云母纸(1),云母纸(1)上还设有薄膜层(2)。

    The insulating mica tape includes mica paper ( 1 ) which is provided with a thin layer ( 2 ) .