
  • 网络magnetochemistry;Magnetic Chemistry;Magneto Chenistry;Magneto Chemistry
  1. 材料制备及加工中的磁化学研究及应用

    Study and Application of Magnetochemistry in Preparation and Processing of Materials

  2. 自旋交叉配合物的研究是分子磁化学中的一个重要领域,已引起人们的普遍关注。

    The study of the spin - crossover phenomenon is an important field of magnetochemistry , which has attracted much attention .

  3. 磁化学原位合成Al-Zr(CO3)2复合材料颗粒形貌及长大机制

    Crystal Morphology and Growth Mechanism of Magnetic-chemical Reactive Synthesis Al-Zr ( CO_3 ) _2 Reinforced Particle

  4. 对近年来磁化学技术在水处理中的应用做了比较全面的综述。

    A comprehensive review on the application of magnetization in wastewater treatment has been given in this paper .

  5. 简单介绍了磁化学的基本原理、磁化学的研究概况以及磁化学在高分子聚合反应及有机合成等领域的应用。

    The principle and general research of magnetochemistry , and the applications of magnetochemistry on polymerization and organic synthesis are introduced .

  6. 通过配位作用驱动的超分子配合物不仅具有新颖的结构,而且在光、电、磁化学和催化领域有着重要的应用。

    Supramolecular complexes driven through coordination have novel structures and important applications in light , electricity , magnetism chemistry and catalysis .

  7. 介绍了磁化学技术的发展、磁分离技术的原理和分类及磁种强化处理废水,并对磁化学技术的应用领域进行了详细讨论。

    The development of magnetization method and the application of the magnetic technology for wastewater treatment in different fields have been discussed in details .

  8. 通过磁场对聚合反应、酯化反应、光还原反应和不对称合成等的影响,论述了有机磁化学的理论研究和应用进展。

    Organic magnetism is a rapidly developing field that combines the skills of experimental and theoretical scientists in many areas of chemistry and physics .

  9. 配位化合物由于在电子、光学、磁化学、选择性催化和分子识别等方面具有特殊性能而在诸多领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    Metal-organic complexes have a wide range of applications , due to their special properties in electronics , optics , magnetics , selective catalysis and molecular recognition .

  10. 用电位滴定法、分光光度法及磁化学法研究了作为铁剂注射液处方基础之一的铁(Ⅲ)山梨醇柠檬酸系统,以阐明山梨醇对铁离子水解沉淀的抑制作用机理。

    By means of potentiometric , spectrophotometric and magnetochemical methods , the sorbitol-citric acid-Fe (ⅲ) system was studied to clarify the mechanism of action of sorbitol on the inhibition of hydrolytic precipitation of ferric ion .

  11. 人促甲状腺激素(TSH)芯片磁分离化学发光酶免疫分析法

    Biochip Magnetic Chemiluminescence Enzyme Immunoassay for Rapid , Sensitive Determination of Thyrotropin

  12. 目的探讨肾上腺肿瘤的平扫CT值与磁共振化学位移成像(CSI)反相位信号丢失程度的相关性。

    Objective To determine the correlation between unenhanced CT attenuation value and signal intensity loss on opposed-phase chemical shift MR imaging ( CSI ) of adrenal tumors .

  13. 核顺磁共振化学分析器高分辨核磁共振光谱学

    High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

  14. GB/T15679.3-1995钐钴永磁合金粉化学分析方法钙量的测定

    Samarium cobalt permanent magnet alloy powder & Determination of calcium content

  15. 电流三种最重要的效应是热效应、磁效应和化学效应。

    The three most important effects of an electric current are heating , magnetic and chemical effects .

  16. 磁黄铁矿的化学组成、物理性质和晶体结构决定其可浮性、表面易氧化程度、性脆等特性。

    The chemical composition , physical properties and crystal structure of pyrrhotite determines its floatability , surface oxidation and brittleness , etc.

  17. 多金属氧酸盐因其具有特定的结构和优越的光、电和磁等物理化学性质,已经成为构造新型功能材料的重要无机构筑块。

    Polyoxometalates ( POMs ) have been found to be extremely versatile inorganic building blocks for the construction of novel functional materials owing to their defined structure and predominant physical properties , in particular electrical , magnetic , and optical properties .

  18. 氧化锌(ZnO)是一种具有纤锌矿结构的自激活直接带隙半导体材料,具有独特的电、光、磁、机械、化学性质,在微电子器件和光电器件等领域具有巨大的应用潜力。

    Zinc Oxide ( ZnO ) is a kind of self-excitation semiconductor with wurtzite structure and a direct wide band gap , which has special electric , optical , magnetic , mechanic , chemical properties . So ZnO is used potentially in micro-electrical , optoelectronic devices .

  19. 为制备工艺简单且饱和磁化强度高的磁流体,采用化学共沉淀法通过对铁氧体磁流体改性制备了水基稀土镝(Dy)复合铁氧体磁流体。

    In order to obtain the ferrite magnetic fluids of higher saturation magnetic intensity with a simpler preparation technology , the chemical co-precipitation method was used to prepare the water-based dysprosium ferrite magnetic fluids through the modification of ferrite magnetic fluids .

  20. 介绍了磁处理技术在化学反应中的基本原理,并概述了磁处理技术在浮选与化学浸矿领域中的研究与应用情况。

    The principle of magnetic treatment in chemical reaction and the application of magnetic treatment technique in flotation and leaching are introduced .

  21. 对于中、弱磁性原始数据无法区分的岩性,分频的作用尤其明显;⑩分频以后的磁异常与地球化学图有了更加清晰、更加明确的对应关系。

    Differentiating magnetic abnormity can differentiate different lithology . The effect is especially obvious for the lithology which can not be differentiated by middle and weak original magnetic data.10 . There is much clearer corresponding relationship between magnetic abnormity after differentiating and geochemical map .

  22. 但是由于磁黄铁矿本身晶体化学性质多变,且极易氧化,往往对目的矿物的浮选产生很大的干扰,成为有色金属矿浮选的一个难题。

    However , pyrrhotite is variable in the properties of crystal chemistry and easy to be oxidized , which usually has a great influence on flotation of the purpose minerals , and it also causes a big problem for the flotation separation of non-ferrous metal ores .

  23. 本研究以自主研发的GoldMag(?)金磁微粒作为新型固相载体,结合化学发光检测系统,建立了一种基于金磁微粒的化学发光免疫学检测吗啡的方法。

    Microparticles as a solid-phase carrier , the immunoassay for detection of morphine combined with chemiluminescence detection system was established .