
  • 网络Corrosion-resistant metal;Noble metal
  1. 文章就石油加工工业中十几种腐蚀环境的腐蚀情况、发生的主要部位,以及抗腐蚀金属材料的选择进行了评述。

    Here discussed were the corrosions occurred under a dozen of corrosion atmospheres , the main corrosion spots and selection of corrosion-resistant materials .

  2. 为了操作容易,该金属呈固体小块形式并置于由抗腐蚀金属(如钛或不锈钢)制成的惰性金属筐内。

    For ease of operation , the metal is in the form of nuggets and placed in an inert metal basket made out non-corroding metal ( such as titanium or stainless steel ) .

  3. 液态铅铋中溶解氧的含量需要控制在一定范围,以在结构材料表面形成有效的抗腐蚀金属氧化层的同时,又避免氧过量而形成氧化铅等杂质。

    Concentration of dissolved oxygen in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic needs to be controlled in a certain range in order to form an effective anti-corrosive metal oxide layer on structure material surface and avoid excess oxygen to form lead oxide or other impurities .

  4. 任何抗腐蚀、抗氧化的金属。

    Any metal that is resistant to corrosion or oxidation .

  5. 外部连接装置都需抗化学腐蚀,非金属材料。

    Exterior panel member fastening devices shall be corrosion resistant , non-metallic material .

  6. 非系统管理员可以在登录前创建或修改连接。外部连接装置都需抗化学腐蚀,非金属材料。

    Non-administrators may be allowed to create or modify connections before logging on . Exterior panel member fastening devices shall be corrosion resistant , non-metallic material .