
  1. 虽然美国信用卡使用有40年历史的磁条技术来处理交易,但世界上大多数国家都使用更智能的卡,其技术名为EMV(Europay、MasterCard、Visa的缩写),利用嵌入卡中的芯片加上一个客户PIN(个人识别码)来现场验证每笔交易。

    While American credit cards use the 40-year-old magstripe technology to process transactions , much of the rest of the world uses smarter cards with a technology called EMV ( short for Europay , MasterCard , Visa ) that employs a chip embedded in the card plus a customer PIN ( personal identification number ) to authenticate every transaction on the spot .

  2. 这使得全世界几乎只有美国零售商依赖磁条技术来收取购物费用,同时也让消费者处于弱势。

    That leaves American retailers pretty much alone the world over in relying on magstripe technology to charge purchases — and leaves consumers vulnerable .

  3. 不过,在可预见的未来,信用卡和借记卡将与我们同在,而如果我们坚持使用磁条技术的话,黑客也将一直存在。

    Credit and debit cards , though , are going to be with us for the foreseeable future , and so are hackers , if we stick with magstripe technology .

  4. 信用卡所用磁条技术也由IBM发明。

    It created magnetic strip technology for credit cards .

  5. 其中下列情形之一的报表将最好的形容磁条技术?

    Which one of the following statements would best describe magnetic stripe technology ?

  6. 通过对安全磁条+条形码技术、射频技术、RFID图书定位系统的比较分析,进而总结出基于RFID技术的图书定位系统在未来发展所面临的问题和发展前景。

    Through the comparative analysis of the magnetic stripe security bar code technology , RFID technology , RFID Book positioning system , and summed up the problems faced by Book positioning system based on RFID technology in the future development and prospects for development .

  7. RFID技术具有使用寿命长、读取距离大、标签上数据可以加密、存储数据容量更大、存储信息可以更改自如等优点,是一个可以替代条形码和磁条的升级换代技术。

    RFID has long Performance life , long reading distance , data on label encrypting , great capacity , and stored information free altering . It may replace the bar code and magnetic needles .

  8. 银行卡基本上以磁条卡为主,由于近年来针对银行卡的犯罪愈演愈烈,涉及金额逐年成倍增加,各家银行意识到磁条卡存在的技术缺陷,开始推出具有芯片的智能卡。

    Because the offenses have grown in recent years against bank cards and the amount has greatly increased , the banks realized magnetic card itself technical defects . The launch has begun to make some chip bank cards .