
  • 网络Magnetic separator;magnetic separation equipments
  1. 一种新型工业脉动高梯度磁选设备通过部级鉴定

    A New Industrial Pulsating High Gradient Magnetic Separator Passed the Technical Appraisal Sponsored by the Ministry

  2. 随着强磁选设备的发展,美国研制的铁轮式永磁高梯度磁选机对微细粒级弱磁性铁矿物只有较好的回收效果。

    With the development of the high intensity magnetic separator , the permanent magnetic high gradient separator manufactured by the USA has better result to the micro particles low intensity magnetic minerals .

  3. 我国磁选设备及铁矿石预选技术FI-KR-FAAS在线预浓集系统中螯合剂的选择

    Magnetic separation equipment and iron ore preconcentration technology in China Chelator Selection in FI-KR-FAAS on-line Preconcentration System

  4. 新型磁选设备的小型试验研究

    Researches on New Type Small-sized Magnetic Separation Equipment

  5. 磁选设备的新发展

    New development of magnetic separation equipments

  6. 高梯度磁选设备磁系设计计算的研究现状及其发展趋势

    The status and developmental trend of the design calculating of magnetic fields in the magnetic system of HGMS

  7. 工业应用和试验表明,这些新型高效磁选设备对于提高选厂的选矿效率,增加企业经济效益起了重要作用。

    It shows that these new type high efficiency drum magnetic separators play an important role in improving mineral processing efficiency and economic benefit .

  8. 介绍了在选矿厂常用的在预选、精选和尾矿再选方面的磁选设备,特别是复合力场的磁选设备;

    The magnetic separation equipment , especially the one with compound force field , which is conventionally used in preconcentration , cleaning and scavenging in concentrators , is described .

  9. 煤系矿物的表面磁性强化是利用通常磁选设备实现高硫煤脱硫脱灰的新型关键技术。

    For effective desulfurization and deashing of high-sulfur coal with its use of usual magnetic separation device , a surface magnetism enhancement of coal-derived minerals is a new key technology .

  10. 通过试验研究和流程考察,决定增设尾矿再收磁选设备,充分回收尾矿中流失的铁矿物,取得良好效果。

    Through tests and process investigations , it was decided to add magnetic separators to recover tailings , so as to recover iron mineral lost in the tailings , which obtained better effects .

  11. 磁力脱水槽是选矿厂最广泛的磁选设备之一,该设备具有处理能力大,选分指标好,无运动部件等优点,在生产中发挥重大作用。

    Dehydration magnetic concentrator trough is one of the most extensive magnetic separation equipment , the device has a processing capacity , and selected sub-indicators , and no moving parts , etc. , they play a major role in the production .

  12. 主要介绍为获得高品位磁铁矿精矿而研制的一种新型磁选设备&磁选柱,简要介绍了该设备的结构、分选原理、磁场特性以及实际应用效果。

    New type of magnetic separation device ─ the magnetic separation column which can obtain a high-grade concentration is introduced . The structure , the principls of separation , the feature of magnatic field of the device and the results of its practical application are also discussed briefly .

  13. 介绍了YZJ型永磁中磁场湿式筒型磁选机的设备结构及技术特性。

    The structural and technical characteristics of a YZJ wet-type drum permanent magnetic separator with medium magnetic field are described .

  14. 从利用长石资源的角度出发,分析了长石磁选的工艺及设备,认为新型高效长石除铁强磁选机是生产超纯长石粉的发展方向,具有分选效果好等特点。

    The new type of efficient high intensity magnetic separator with advantages of good separation indexes is the development trend for the fine processing of feldspar .

  15. 磁选柱是鞍山钢铁学院研制出的一种新型磁选设备,可产生交变弱磁场,能有效提高焙烧磁铁矿的精矿品位。

    The magnetic separation column is a new type of magnetic separaters made by Anshan Institute of Iron & Steel Technology . It can provide a low intensity alternating magnetic field and effectively raise the concentrate grade of roasted magnetite .

  16. 针对磁选柱在生产中存在的问题,开发研制了新型磁选设备&磁选环柱。

    In view of the problems existing in the column magnetic separator , a new type magnetic device & annular magnetic separator was developed .