
  • 网络reverse flotation
  1. 本文阐述了包头磁选铁精矿的反浮选脱氟工艺。

    This paper describes the technique for removing fluorine by reverse flotation .

  2. 近年来,赤铁矿选矿技术发展很快,以阴离子反浮选为核心的联合流程已经成为赤铁矿选矿的主流。

    The mineral processing technology of hematite has been developed in a rapid speed in recent years . And the combined flowsheet at the core of anionic reverse flotation has become a mainstream of beneficiation for hematite .

  3. 正-反浮选产品粒度分布与存在问题分析(V)-晋宁磷矿的分级浮选

    Product particle size analysis in the direct and reverse flotation and analysis of its existing problems ( V ) - classified flotation of Jinning phosphate ore

  4. 为磷矿石浮选所研制的TS药剂在弱酸性介质中能够反浮选胶磷矿,且价廉、无毒。

    The TS reagent developed for phosphorus ore flotation , with low price and less toxicity , can separate collophanite in a weak acid medium by reverse flotation .

  5. 脱泥后反浮选精矿铝硅比提高了0.32,为10.63;Al2O3回收率提高了4.32个百分点,为86.25%;

    By desliming , the ratio of Al 2O 3 to SiO 2 can be increased by 0.32 to 10.63 and the recovery by 4.32 percentage points to 86.25 % .

  6. 耐低温阳离子捕收剂GE-601反浮选磁铁矿的研究

    Study on Reverse Flotation of Magnetite With GE-601 Low Temperature-resistant Cationic Collector

  7. BF-T型浮选机在赤铁矿反浮选作业中的应用

    Application of BF-T Floatation Machine in Reverse Flotation of Hematite Ore

  8. 对含长石、云母等粘土矿物的石英岩,经粉碎、磨矿、摇床选别后,采用阴/阳离子捕收剂反浮选,可制备SiO2含量达9997%的高纯石英砂。

    Super quartz sand containing SiO 2 as high as 99.97 % can be prepared by cationic / anionic collector reverse flotation from quartzite containing clay minerals such as feldspar and mica after crushing , grinding and tabling .

  9. 红外光谱研究发现,氧化石蜡皂对SiO2的吸附能力强,而对Al2O3和Fe2O3吸附能力弱,氧化石蜡皂适合做铝土矿反浮选的捕收剂。

    It was found , by IR spectrum analysis , that the oxidized paraffinum sodium salt absorbed SiO_2 stronger than Al_2O_3 and Fe_2O_3 , and it was suitable to be used as collectors of reverse-flotation .

  10. 试验结果表明,JF-3反浮选捕收剂和FA抑制剂较好地降低了铁精矿中氟含量,可以将铁精矿的氟含量降低到039%,氟去除率达8128%。

    The results showed that JF-3 collector and FA depressor could reduce the fluorine content in the iron concentrate to 0.39 % , the fluorine removal rate being 81.28 % .

  11. 应用GE-601反浮选磁铁矿中的SiO2,得到了良好的指标:在22℃时,精矿铁品位为69.31%,回收率97.79%;

    The reverse flotation of SiO 2 from magnetite with GE-601 collector achieved good indexes : at 22 ℃, the grade of iron concentrate was 69.31 % and the iron recovery 97.79 % ;

  12. 针对包钢选厂铁精矿中氟含量高的问题,采用新型JF-3反浮选捕收剂、FA抑制剂对包头氧化矿系列中的铁精矿中的氟矿物的选别进行了研究。

    In view of the high fluorine content in the iron concentrate of Bao Steel 's Concentrator , JF-3 new collector for reverse flotation and FA depressor were used in the test on fluorine mineral separation from iron concentrate of Baotou oxidized ore series .

  13. 文章通过试验,在反浮选&冷结晶法工艺生产氯化钾中,确定QHS-2型氯化钠浮选药剂的最佳纯度范围、浮选浓度、使用量、浮选粒度,便于指导生产,创造良好效益。

    Through test , in the production of potassium chloride by reverse floatation and cold crystallization method , the optimum purity range , floatation concentration , utilization quantity and floatation grain size were determined . It is helpful to guide production and increase benefits .

  14. 磁选-阴离子反浮选工艺应用现状及展望

    Application Status of Magnetic Separation-Anionic Reverse Flotation Technology and Its Prospect

  15. 铝土矿反浮选脱硅研究综述

    Review of Research on Desilication of Bauxite Ores by Reverse Flotation

  16. 浅析阳离子反浮选磁铁精矿脱水技术

    Discuss of dewatering technology of magnetite concentrates after cation reverse flotation

  17. 磷矿反浮选碳酸盐脉石矿物捕收剂研究

    Collector for carbonate gangue flotation in phosphate ore reverse flotation

  18. 胶磷矿反浮选白云石研究及工业前景

    Reverse flotation of dolomite from collophane and its industrial prospects

  19. 粗集神经网络在阳离子反浮选控制中的应用

    Rough Set-Neural Network and its Application to Cation Anti-flotation Control

  20. 物理因素对铝土矿反浮选的影响

    Influences of physical factors on performance of bauxite reverse flotation

  21. 反浮选法分离粉石英和斜绿泥石及其机理

    Separation of clinochlore from powder quartz by reverse flotation and its mechanism

  22. 反浮选制取高纯铁精矿的研究

    Research on Preparation of High Purity Iron Concentrate by Reverse Flotation Process

  23. 磷块岩正-反浮选流程数学模型的研究

    Mathematical models for two stage flotation circuit of Phosphorite Ores

  24. 充气量对低品位铝土矿旋流-反浮选分离的影响

    Effect of Aeration Quantity on Separation of Low-Grade Bauxite by Cyclone-Reverse Flotation

  25. 用盐湖卤水生产氯化钾反浮选冷结晶工艺流程

    The production of KCl from salt lake brine by anti-floatation-cold crystallization method

  26. 某氧化铁矿全反浮选流程新工艺的研究

    Study on a Novel Whole-Reverse Flotation Technique of an Oxidized Iron Ore

  27. 综合评价推荐的流程是正&反浮选流程。

    The flowsheet recommended by comprehensive evaluation is the direct - reverse one .

  28. 一水硬铝石与脉石矿物反浮选分离研究

    Reverse flotation separation study on diaspore and gangue mineral

  29. 阴/阳离子捕收剂反浮选制备高纯石英砂研究

    Study on Preparing Super Quartz Sand by Cationic / anionic Collector Reverse Flotation

  30. 我国铁矿石反浮选技术发展综合评述

    Review of the Development of China 's Reverse Flotation Technology for Iron Ore