
jí xiàn ɡāo dù
  • limited altitude;limit height
  1. 水平固体表面上液层极限高度的估算

    Calculation of the limit height of liquid layer on horizontal solid surface

  2. 运用理论分析、数值模拟和数值拟合的方法,推导了带凸缘球底筒形件在不同成形条件下成形极限高度的计算公式。

    Based on the methods of theoretical analysis , numerical simulation and numerical fitting , the calculation equation of forming limit height for the spherical-bottomed cylindrical cup , under different forming conditions , has been deduced . 5 .

  3. 建立了用于预测拉深极限高度的BP神经网络。冲天炉底焦高度的确定

    A BP ANN to predict the maximum length of drawing is set up . Definition of Cupola 's Coke Bed Height

  4. 分析了一次拉深极限高度的影响因素。

    Factors which inflect the maximum length of one-step drawing are analyzed .

  5. 软基处理路基极限高度分析

    Analysis of Embankment Limit High about Soft Soil Treatment

  6. 提出了一种新的预测一次拉深极限高度的方法。

    A new approach to predict the maximum length of one-step drawing is proposed .

  7. 柔性加筋挡土结构极限高度分析

    Failure height of flexible stiffened earth-retaining wall

  8. 排土场极限高度确定方法研究及工程实例

    A study on the method for establishing the limiting height of a waste dump and an successful example

  9. 对软土地基堆载极限高度进行了塑性极限分析,得出了计算公式。

    This paper deduces the new maximum height formula of loading on soft clay ground by the method of plasticity limit analysis .

  10. 结合优化设计的实例得出,在某一输送条件下,输送能力不仅与驱动功率有关,还受物料正常输送极限高度的制约;

    Based on an instance of optimal design , it was acquired that the transport capability was restricted not only by the drive power , but also by the limiting height of normal transport on a certain condition .

  11. 应用软基堤坝的塑流理论,结合浙东台州标准海堤的工程实践,提出了计算软基堤坝极限高度的实用方法。

    Finally , a practical method to calculate the limit height of the embankment on soft clay ground is developed based on the standard sea wall projects in Taizhou City in Zhejiang Province with the application of plastic flow theory .

  12. 本文还研究了支护结构在正常工作过程中的各种性能,如土钉拉力分布规律、土压力分布规律、土钉支护极限高度以及支护结构变形特点。

    Kinds of working capability such as distribution rule of the internal force of soil nail and the soil pressure in soil and the limit height and the deformation rule of composite soil nail system are all researched on in this paper .

  13. 除上述原因外,由于高速公路加荷速率快(路堤施工速率快),路堤接近或达到极限高度,附加剪应力高、荷载宽度大等是造成路基侧向挤出和局部坍滑的主要原因。

    On the other hand , the high load ratio of the expressway ( construction ratio ), ultimate height of the road embankment , strong shear stress and the big width of loading are the main reasons causing lateral protruding and part devolution .

  14. 本文由文献[3]所给出的稳定问题安全系数的表达式出发,建立了台阶边坡的极限高度和可能滑移楔体宽度的计算公式,然后分析了Г.Л。

    Based upon the safety factor expression of stability stated in literature [ 3 ] , this paper attempts to establish formulas for solving the critical height of a benched slope and the width of a wedge block which is likely subject to sliding .

  15. 带泥舱挖泥船的极限重心高度

    Extreme height of center of gravity of the dredger with mud hold

  16. 提出了一个极限吸出高度的无量纲数。

    A dimensionless parameter expressing the limiting height of aspiration is suggested .

  17. 极限成形高度随凸模圆角半径的增大而增大。

    The limit dome height increased with the increase of punch radius .

  18. 异重流孔口出流极限吸出高度分析

    Analysis on parameters of limiting height of aspiration for density current outflow from orifice

  19. 不同工艺参数下6010铝板极限拉深高度变化的模拟分析

    A Simulation Analysis of Limit Drawing Height for 6010 Aluminum Sheet at Different Process Parameters

  20. 介绍了薄壁三通管翻边成形时预制孔形状及极限翻边高度的确定方法。

    A method determining pre-punching and limited height for streth flanging on thin wall three-way tube is suggested .

  21. 通过试验得出无控制性结构面的边坡的极限稳定高度与坡角的关系大致满足马斯洛夫方程。

    The relationship of gradient and corresponding critical slope height of the slope without significant constructional surface fits Masilofo equation .

  22. 结果表明,变压边力拉深工艺能够极大提高板料的极限拉深高度。

    It is showed that the limit drawing height could be greatly improved as a variable BHF deep-drawing process was adapted .

  23. 研究表明,就极限拉深高度而言,纤维方向沿厚向分布与纤维方向在板面内分布有明显差别。

    Research shows that , on limit drawing height , fiber orientation along the thickness distribution and fiber orientation in the in-plane distribution difference .

  24. 故在已知异重流浓度和出流流量时,即可估计出孔口出流极限吸出高度和泄出层厚度等值。

    Therefore , the limiting height of aspiration and density current thickness can be estimated if the concentration and the outflow discharge are given .

  25. 探讨连云港地区公路设计的极限填土高度,指出该地区公路低路堤设计的必要性。

    The ultimate filling depth for the subgrade design in this area is also discussed , which shows the necessity to adopt the method of low embankment for the subgrade design in this area .

  26. 给出了一定温度和流速时无气阻条件下的鹤管允许极限安装高度值,以及无气阻条件下的工艺参数范围,具有实用性和经济性。

    With perfect practicality and economy , the allowable value of the extreme installation height for loading arm is given on no air-lock condition at certain temperature and flow rate , and also given is a pro -

  27. 另外通过面积比法的计算结果或复合地基静载试验成果可从应力比法计算公式中反算极限填土高度或极限桩土应力比,供初步设计参考。

    In addition , harnessing the result of stress ratio method , an ultimate embankment height can be computed , only if the ultimate bearing capacity of subsoil could be known by static load experiment or area ratio method .

  28. 本文基于土力学原理研究了干砂在振动造型中的充填特性,导出了型砂充填垂直管的极限填充高度的数学计算模型,并与实验值进行了对比验证。

    Based on soil mechanics , the filling feature of unbonded sand at vibration molding has been studied , thus deriving a mathematical model to calculate the limiting filling height of the vertical tube by unbonded sand , the simulation results are in good agreement with the experiments .

  29. 液压胀形中薄板极限胀形高度HL与力学性能间的相关性研究

    Relativity between limiting expanding height ( h_l ) and mechanical properties of steel sheet in hydraulic bulging

  30. 评价薄钢板成形性的极限胀形高度法

    Limit Expansion Height as a Parameter for Evaluating Formability of Steel sheet