
  • 网络as black as ebony;as black as a raven;as black as a crow sloe
  1. 相反,TrES-2b的大气层由气态钠、钾和三氧化钛这些可以吸收光线的化学物质组成,不过这也并不能为该行星极黑提供解释。

    Instead , it has an atmosphere made up of chemicals such as vaporized sodium , potassium and gaseous titanium oxide , which absorb light , but that still does not explain the planet 's extreme blackness .

  2. 光线从舱口来,所以在外面以为舱中极黑,到里面却一切分明。

    Light came through the cabin door , so that though it looked dark from outside one could see all right .

  3. 他大着胆子坐起来,从骆驼的双峰间望过去,什么也看不见,四外极黑。

    Finally he plucked up courage , sat up and peered out between their double humps . All was dark around , he could not see a thing .

  4. 碳黑:在缺乏空气的情况下,燃烧天然气或油产生的一种细面极黑的颜料。用来制造油墨。

    Carbon black : A fine , intensely black pigment obtained by burning natural gas or oil with restricted air supply . Used in the manufacture of ink .

  5. 薛米琪穿着乳白色蕾丝迷你裙,戴着guess水钻吊坠,架着一副在上海极为流行的黑框无镜片眼镜。

    Miki Xue wears Ivory Lace miniskirt , guess Rhinestone pendant and - all the rage in Shanghai - heavy black glasses without lenses .

  6. 随着天然林保护工程的实施,栽培原料的紧缺极大地限制了黑木耳产业的发展。

    With the implementation of the Natural Forest Protection Project , the industry development of Auricularia auricular has been greatly limited by the shortage of the sawdust .

  7. 结果表明:试验所用的砧木嫁接后成活率均在90%以上,华瓠杂3号嫁接苗的产量极显著的高于黑籽南瓜、中国南瓜品系做砧木的嫁接苗以及黄瓜自根苗。

    The results showed that , surviving rate of different grafted plants is above 90 % , yield of bottle gourd Hua No.3 was significant higher fig-leaf-gourd , Chinese pumpkin strains and self-rooted cucumber .

  8. 在抽穗、开花和灌浆三个时期,黑粒小麦的根系比白粒小麦短而粗,其差异达极显著水平;黑粒小麦比3个白粒小麦的根系密度要小。

    On the periods of heading , flowering and grain filling , the roots of black-wheat were shorter and cruder than the white ones , the difference were significant . The root density of black-wheat grain was smaller , than three white wheat .