
zuò wěn
  • sit steadily;sit firmly
  1. 骑马时你必须坐稳,这样你就摔不来下。

    You must sit tight so that you don 't fall off .

  2. 我们又来了,哈利,坐稳了!

    Here we go again , Harry , hold on !

  3. 坐稳了可能会有点颠簸哟

    Hold on , it might get a little bumpy .

  4. 你们坐稳了,木兰要结婚了。

    Hold on to your ectoplasm now . mulan 's getting married .

  5. 在你还没坐稳时就把你从马鞍上摔下来。

    And buck you out of the saddie before you 're in it .

  6. 我们尽力坐稳在车中的位子上,沿着小路颠簸而行。

    We bumped along the track in our car holding on to our seats .

  7. 如果你不想让自己掉下来的话,必须学会在马背上坐稳。

    You must learn to sit tight if you don 't want to fall off !

  8. 让开绳子坐稳

    Move over , rope Hold on !

  9. 他屁股还没坐稳就说必须要走了。

    He had no sooner sat down than he said that he had to leave .

  10. 我答应坐稳,苏利文小姐便回家拿点东西来吃。

    I promised to sit still until she went to the house for some food .

  11. 顺便,恭喜你在六个月大的时候掌握了如何坐稳。

    By the way , congratulation on managing to sit steadily for your six month old .

  12. 人或可为自己建树一个刺刀的宝座,但不能于其上坐稳。

    A man may build himself a throne of bayonets , but he cannot sit on it .

  13. 不一会,动物们开始陆续赶来,并按各自不同的方式坐稳了。

    Before long the other animals began to arrive and make themselves comfortable after their different fashions .

  14. 埃弗拉的到来还意味着奥谢以及理查德森将坐稳“冷板凳”。

    Evra 's arrival also means John O'Shea and Kieran Richardson will be shunted down the pecking order .

  15. 我刚入座,还没有坐稳,我们与中方人员的首次会谈就结束了。

    Our first meeting with our Chinese counterparts was over before I had even got comfortable in my chair .

  16. 坐稳了我想把你吃了明天、后天、大后天……

    I just want to eat you up , tomorrow and the next day , next day , next day ...

  17. 如果用的是水池,要放一条毛巾在池底使小儿坐稳并防止他滑倒。

    If a sink is used , place a towel in the bottom to stabilize the child and avoid slipping .

  18. 我无法在座位上坐稳。我努力抓住车一边的把手,等着下一秒整个人再次从座位上飞起来。

    The seat caught me hard and I grabbed onto the railing on the side to keep from flying again .

  19. 因为舵手们需要在起伏的水浪中坐稳,所以她们要将体重控制在严格范围内。

    Coxswains have to be strong enough to sit still in choppy waters and keep their weights to strict limits .

  20. 布兰登-英格拉姆则和汤普森一样:他们不声不响地为首发位置竞争,并在进入第二个赛季时将之坐稳。

    Brandon Ingram and Thompson are both quiet competitors who managed to emerge as solid starters in their second seasons .

  21. 一个大问题是,哈梅内伊认为,造出原子弹是坐稳权力宝座的最可靠途径。

    A big problem is that Mr Khamenei believes building a bomb is the surest way to hold on to power .

  22. 看到他们都坐稳了,并聚精会神地等待着,麦哲清了清喉咙,开口说道:

    When Major saw that they had all made themselves comfortable and were waiting attentively , he cleared his throat and began :

  23. 鉴于格伦将会进入替补名单,凯利将会迎来其坐稳红军后防线主力位置的一个大好机会。

    With Johnson sidelined , Kelly has the opportunity to stake a claim for a regular spot in the Reds'backline this term .

  24. 不,不是。你坐下来。你先在卧榻上坐稳了。

    No , no. And I want you to sit -- I want you to have a seat on a chaise lounge .

  25. 人们初学骑马时碰到的首要难题是怎样才能在马上坐稳不掉下来。

    When we first learn to ride a horse , one of the chief difficulties is simply stopping on and not falling off .

  26. 尽管这把交椅可能尚未坐稳,但这家国有企业已盯上了另一个零售领域:便利店。

    Though its hold on that title may not be secure yet , the state-owned company is already eyeing another retail sector : convenience stores .

  27. 做为独立汽车制制商,吉原散团尽力实验落落其品牌正在外洋市场的影响力,异时该母司也一向渴瞅正在欧洲市场坐稳脚和。

    Geely , an independent automaker that has struggled to raise its profile in overseas markets , has long coveted a stronger foothold in Europe .

  28. 周四,炼钢原料铁矿石的价格继续飙升,涨至15个月高位,坐稳了2016年表现最佳的主要大宗商品的位子。

    Steelmaking ingredient iron ore surged further on Thursday , rising to its highest level in 15 months and securing its position as the best performing major commodity of 2016 .

  29. 庞培并没有亲自出马,但出钱也许还出兵帮助他坐稳了王位,从而与托勒密保持了友好的关系。

    Pompey didn 't go in person , but he did respond , sending money and possibly men to help confirm him on the throne and also developed a friendly relation with Ptolemy .

  30. 另外,银行家表示,香港要坐稳头把交椅,需要开发更多人民币计价产品,并建设更有深度、流动性更强的债券和外汇市场。

    Furthermore , for Hong Kong to maintain its top spot , bankers say the city needs to develop a wider range of renminbi-denominated products , as well as a deeper and more liquid bond and foreign exchange market .