
  • 网络SEMICONDUCTOR;semiconductor module
  1. 电力半导体模块及其工艺技术

    Power semiconductor module and its technology

  2. 本文针列功率半导体模块的集成度、装配和连接技术。

    This article describes the assembly and connection technology , the integration , and the challenge of semiconductor module .

  3. 报道了一种自由空间型双级光隔离器,其隔离度大于59dB,插入损耗小于0.3dB,工作带宽达60nm,尺寸结构适于半导体激光器模块的内置封装。

    A two stage free space isolator is reported whose isolation is better than 59 dB , with the insertion loss of less than 0.3 dB within the bandpass of 60 nm . The physical size is fitted for the packaging of semiconductor laser module .

  4. 用于纳秒级窄脉冲工作的大功率半导体激光器模块

    High peak power semiconductor laser module for producing nanosecond pulse

  5. 电力半导体功率模块焊接工艺的探讨

    Welding Technology of Power Semiconductor Module

  6. 除此之外,随着许多新技术,尤其是新型半导体专用模块和传感技术的应用,就可能出现许多新的控制单元结构。

    With the development of new technique , especially the development and application of semi-conductor module and sensor technique , new control unit structures will appear .

  7. 为声光调Q绿光激光器的研究奠定了基础。5.分别采用50W和150W半导体侧泵模块、进行了单棒和双棒串接声光调Q内腔倍频绿光激光器的研究。

    This is the basic of the high power A-O Q-switched green laser . ( 5 ) Use 50W , 150W side-pumped laser modules , we investigated single-rod and double-rod A-O Q-switched intracavity-doubled lasers .

  8. 对雷达固态化中的关键半导体技术T/R模块、固态发射机和微波功率晶体管及VHSIC等三方面进行了论述。

    This paper reviews the key semiconductor technology for solid state radar , included T / R modules , solid state transmitter and microwave power transistor , and VHSIC .

  9. 仪器主要由半导体恒温器,模块电源,研华公司的数据采集模块以及温度,湿度传感器组成。

    It consists of semiconductor thermostat , power module , and dater collector module of yanhua , temperature sensor and humidity sensor .

  10. 并对半导体温差发电模块的工作性能进行了分析,主要考虑了电偶臂的几何尺寸、接触效应和汤姆逊效应对其工作性能的影响。

    The working performance of thermoelectric generator is analyzed mainly on the base of couple size , contact effect and Thomson effect .

  11. 研究了半导体温差发电模块输出电压/输出功率与冷热面温度差的关系,并搭建了利用半导体温差发电模块产生的电能作为能量的一种锂离子蓄电池充电装置。

    The relation between output voltage / power of the STM ( semiconductor thermoelectric module ) and the temperature difference between two sides of it was discussed .

  12. 进行了温度控制系统的总体设计,采用模块化设计,将系统设计成三部分模块:半导体制冷器模拟驱动模块、单片机控制系统模块、GPIB接口转换模块。

    The whole system is designed into three modules : analog driver circuit of semiconductor cooler , MCU control part and GPIB interface .

  13. 46.2W连续输出808nm高功率无铝半导体激光线阵模块

    808 nm Wavelength High Power Free-Al Diode Array Module

  14. 太阳能半导体空调制冷装置模块化实验研究

    Experimental Study on Modularization for Solar Semiconductor Air-Conditioning Refrigeration

  15. 808nm大功率半导体激光器光纤耦合模块系统

    808 nm High Power Semiconductor Laser Fiber Coupling Module

  16. 根据固体激光器抽运的技术要求,设计了一种具有水冷装置的大功率半导体激光器二维阵列模块,并对半导体激光器热沉和致冷系统的热流进行了分析。

    According to the requirement of pumping solid-state laser , a high power semiconductor laser module is designed and fabricated in2D arrays with cooling water channel .