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  1. 她的头发蓬松,半垂下来,身穿护土制服。

    Her hair was loose and half-falling and she wore a nurse 's dress .

  2. 她的头发蓬松,半垂下来。

    Her hair was loose and half-falling .

  3. 半空间垂向非均匀复杂介质面波频散方程

    Frequency divergent equation of surface wave for half-space vertical inhomogeneous complex media

  4. 那天早上我有很多工作要做,我只是刚好在12点半到达垂水湾。

    I had a lot of work to do that morning and I only just managed to get to the creek at Tarumi at half past twelve .

  5. 采用一个半经验模式利用垂测数据计算了磁暴效应引起的有效热层子午向中性风。

    Baed on the ionosonde data , we used an empirical method to derive the neutral meridional wind during tile storm .

  6. 采用氯离子示踪技术确定干旱-半干旱地区地下水垂向入渗补给量对于揭示地下水补给的空间变化规律,完善地下水资源评价的理论与方法,具有重要理论与现实意义。

    Using chloride ion tracer method to estimate the vertical infiltration recharge of groundwater in arid and semi-arid region has important theoretic and practical value for exploring spatial variation rule of groundwater recharge and improving evaluating theory and method for groundwater resources .