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  • 网络Iron knife;Wenge;Iron Katana
  1. 玉器剑配件可能遵循了黄金的使用,因为铁刀刀柄黄金已在陕西省的坟墓里发现。

    Jade sword fittings may have followed the use of gold , as gold hilts for iron blades have been found in tombs in Shaanxi province .

  2. 但是没有枪,弓和箭,甚至是铁刀…我所能做的就扔石头。

    But without guns , a bow and arrow , or even a steel knife ... all I can do is throw rocks at stuff . Hungr

  3. 这个磁性很强的磁铁磁化了这个铁刮胡刀。

    The strong magnet magnetized the iron shavings .

  4. 于是,铁兵器如刀、剑等最后完全代替了铜兵器。

    Thus , iron and steel replaced bronze in making principal weapons like swords .

  5. 你有你的铜枝铁干像刀,像剑,也像戟。

    you have your strong stem and branches , like knives and swords and like halberds .

  6. 即使这些声明是刻在石头上,带著你的铁鎚和凿刀,击碎它。

    If it 's written in stone , bring your hammer and chisel .