
  • 网络Iron silicate;Ferrum Silicate;MgFe
  1. 本文研究了MgO在含氟硫高铁硅酸盐水泥中的分布及对水泥压蒸安定性的影响。

    MgO distribution in portland cement containing fluorine , sulfur and high ferrite and its influence on cement autoclave unsoundness are stated in this article .

  2. 聚合硅酸对含铁硅酸盐矿物浮选抑制作用的机理

    Mechanism of the Depression Effect of Polymerized Silicate on Iron-containing Silicate Minerals

  3. 黑柱石是一种少见的含钙铁硅酸盐矿物。

    Ilvaite is a rare mineral of calcium - iron - bearing silicate .

  4. 氟硅酸铵在赤铁矿与含铁硅酸盐浮选分离中的选择性抑制作用

    Selective Depressive Action of Ammonium Hexafluorosilicate in Flotation Separation of Hematite and Iron-containing Silicate

  5. 硅酸钠在细粒赤铁矿与含铁硅酸盐矿物选择性磁团聚中的分散作用

    Dispersive action of sodium silicate in selective agglomeration of fine hematite and silicate minerals containing iron

  6. 赤铁矿与含铁硅酸盐浮选分离的研究进展与前景

    Advance in the Study on Flotation Separation of Hematite from Iron containing Silicates and Its Prospect

  7. 一种由钙铁硅酸盐矿物组成的石榴石,有黄色、绿色、褐色、黑色,用作宝石。

    A garnet consisting of calcium iron silicate and having any color ranging from yellow and green to brown and black ; used as gemstone .

  8. 研究了以油酸钠为捕收剂浮选赤铁矿时,氟硅酸铵对含铁硅酸盐脉石矿物霓石的选择性抑制作用。

    The selective depression of ammonium fluorosilicate on aegirite , an iron-containing silicate gangue mineral , in hematite flotation using sodium oleate collector was investigated .

  9. 包头白云鄂博矿床的选矿实践迫切地要求解决赤铁矿与含铁硅酸盐矿物分离这一难题。

    The separation of hematite from iron-bearing silicate minerals is a difficult problem to be solved in the practice of processing Bayan Obo ores of Baotou Iron and Steel Campany .

  10. 课题选择湖北黄石矿石加工厂急、缓冷铜渣为研究对象,铜渣中的金属矿物以辉铜矿等硫化铜矿物和磁铁矿为主,脉石为含铁硅酸盐。

    The chilling and annealing copper slag of Hubei Huangshi Mining Company is investigated object . The main metal minerals are copper sulfide and magnetite . The main gangue is ferrosilicate .

  11. 系统论述了赤铁矿与含铁硅酸盐矿物浮选分离的研究意义、理论依据及国内外的研究进展,并分析了解决这一难题的关键因素与前景。

    The significance and the theoretical basis of the study on flotation separation of hematite from iron containing silicate and its advances made both in and outside China are systematically described . The key factors and the prospect of solving the challenge are analyzed .

  12. 红外光谱在铁镁硅酸盐矿物类质同象研究中的应用

    The use of mid-IR spectrum analysis in studying isomorphous minerals of femic-silicates

  13. 一种深红色的石榴石,由铁铝硅酸盐矿物组成。

    A deep red garnet consisting of iron aluminum silicate .

  14. 一种由镁和铁的硅酸盐矿物组成的矿物,是镁的来源。

    A mineral consisting of magnesium iron silicate ; a source of magnesium .

  15. 闪石族中一种深褐色的矿物,含镁、铁的硅酸盐。

    A dark brown mineral of the amphibole group ; magnesium iron silicate .

  16. 铁铝硅酸盐玻璃的穆斯堡尔谱研究

    A Mossbauer Study of Iron Aluminosilicate Glasses

  17. 一种闪石族矿物,通常为绿色至黑色之间,由含钙、钠、镁、铁的硅酸盐组成。

    A green to black mineral of the amphibole group ; consists of silicates of calcium and sodium and magnesium and iron .

  18. 整个地球被熔化,铁和硅酸盐分离而形成地核和地幔。

    The entire earth may have been melted , and the iron and silicate components separated to form the core and mantle .

  19. 该星球表面的热度足以融化铁和硅酸盐,被熔物质随后流入恒星风,宛若彗星尾巴。

    It 's so hot that boiled iron and silicates are flowing into the stellar wind , much like a comet 's tail .

  20. 能谱研究表明,黑斑可能是由含一定量铁的硅酸盐矿物组成,但铁含量比外圈的绿泥石稍高。

    The result of energy spectrum analysis shows that black point consists of silicate mineral containing higher amount of iron than chlorite outside the circle .

  21. 未分群铁陨石及其硅酸盐包体的研究

    A Study of the Ungrouped Iron Meteorite and Its Silicate Inclusion

  22. 铁在多元硅酸盐玻璃中的光谱行为

    The spectrum behaviour of iron in polybasic silicate glass

  23. 在地幔底层可能发生地幔物质(包括俯冲板块物质在内)的部分熔融作用,也可能存在外核液态铁与地幔硅酸盐的化学反应。

    Within this lowermost mantle layer , the partial melting of material of lower mantle and chemical reaction of core mantle material can occur .

  24. 一种绿灰色或黑色的铁和铝的硅酸盐矿物。

    A greenish gray or black silicate of iron and aluminum .

  25. 铁磷和硼硅酸盐熔体对耐火材料的腐蚀性能

    Corrosion Property of Iron Phosphate and Borosilicate Melts to Refractories

  26. 二连石&一种含铁和钒的硅酸盐新矿物

    Erlianite , a new vanadium and iron silicate mineral

  27. 铁改性聚硅酸盐类絮凝剂的研究进展

    The Progress Of lron-modified Polysilicate salt Flocculants

  28. 本文对利用铁尾矿生产道路硅酸盐水泥进行了研究。

    This is the article to describe the research on using iron tailings to produce Portland Highway Cement .

  29. 结果表明:宁村瓷石主要由长英质矿物组成,铁元素主要以硅酸盐矿物,硫化物和氧化物及氢氧化物等形式存在;

    The results of composition analyses show that Ningcun china stone is mainly composed of quartz , sericite and feldspar ; iron is contained in silicate , sulphide , oxide and hydroxide minerals .

  30. 镁尖晶石浇注料经坩埚法抗渣后,残存试样可以分为四个段带,即挂渣层、侵蚀层、铁渗透层和硅酸盐相富集层。

    The residual specimens of MgO spinel castables after BOF slag corrosion test at 1600 ℃ by crucible method may be divided into four zones-slag adhesion , corrosion , ferrite penetration and silicate concentration zones .