
  • 网络Railway transportation volume;railway traffic volume
  1. 随着集团公司的做大做强,外购原料逐年增加,铁路运输量越来越大。

    With the company to be stronger and increased purchases of materials , railway transport amount is increasing .

  2. 目前随着铁路运输量的逐渐增加,车站对铁路运营系统的要求也越来越高。

    At present with the gradual increase in rail traffic , railway stations operating systems are increasingly high requirements .

  3. 用灰色模型预测铁路旅客运输量发展趋势

    Forecasting Development Trend of Railway Passenger Traffic Volume by Grey Model

  4. 铁路客货运输量在国内运输市场中所占的份额分别为35%和55%左右,也居世界同行首位。

    Railway passenger and freight transport volume in the domestic transport market share of respectively 35 % and 55 % , also the first world counterparts .

  5. 高速铁路的运输量较大、对环境影响小、占地少、列车准点率高、能耗较低、运输成本低等特点。

    High-speed rail has powerful transport capacity , less environmental pollution , good safety performance , small footprint , high punctuality , low energy consumption , low transportation cost .

  6. 由于我国的许多矿区都拥有多座一流的现代化生产矿井,综合机械化程度均较高,因此矿区专用铁路的运输量逐渐增大。

    Because many mining districts of China possess of many high-class modernized mine , and the degree of comprehensive mechanization is quite high , so the exclusive railway traffic volume is getting more .

  7. 现阶段我国为解决铁路运输需求量大和实际运力不足的尖锐矛盾,正大力发展高速电气化铁路。

    At the present stage in order to solve the sharp contradictions between the increasing railway transport demands and the actual lack of railway capacity , China is making a great effort to develop high-speed electrified railway .

  8. 铁路运输企业存货量确定方法的研究

    Methods to Determine the Inventory Amount of Railway Enterprises

  9. 铁路运输的货运量比重、货运周转量比重都有略微下降的趋势。

    The proportion of rail transport cargo , freight turnover has a slightly downward trend in the five years .

  10. 超重货物是近些年来随着铁路大件货物运输量增加而提出的一个新概念。

    Over weight freight is a new concept which was proposed with the volume of the large goods increased in recent years .

  11. 随着我国电气化铁路承担铁路运输量的不断提高,牵引供电系统作为电气化铁路的核心组成部分,必须满足高可靠性、高可用度和低维修费用的要求。

    Railway power systems , as the core of electrified railway , are required highly reliable , highly available and lowly dissipative in maintenance .

  12. 在2014年上半年,西伯利亚大铁路的集装箱运输量提高了8%,增长至86.56万标准箱(即20英尺长的集装箱)。

    In the first half of 2014 , international container traffic on the Trans-Siberian rail line rose 8 % , to 865,600 teu ( 20-foot equivalent units ) .

  13. 随着列车全面提速以及铁路部门客货运输量不断增大,铁路线路负荷不断加重,铁路安全问题日益突出。

    With the countrywide increasing in train speed and more and more goods and passengers have to transit , the issue of railway safety has become a hot topic .

  14. 作为现代物流业的重要组成部分,全国铁路的货物运输量也呈现出逐年增长的态势,但在郑州局洛阳车务段管内的货物运输量却出现逐年下降的现象。

    As the important part of the modern logistics industry , the national amount of cargo transport increased year by year , but the amount of cargo transport decreased year by year in Luoyang train operation depot .