
  • 网络Asia Today
  1. 在接近年底之际,今日亚洲汇市上资产类股的交投非常薄弱&货币也不例外。

    Asian trading today was very thin across asset classes – currencies no exception to the end of year markets that reign .

  2. 在美国国务卿约翰•克里(JohnKerry)今日抵达亚洲以强化美国重返亚洲战略之际,中国海军则在近期令其军舰编队接连开辟新的航线,突显其在太平洋的地位和信心不断增长。

    As John Kerry , US secretary of state , arrives in Asia today to reinforce the US pivot , the Chinese navy has been making waves by sailing new routes that illustrate its growing presence and confidence in the Pacific .

  3. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)将于今日指出,亚洲在基础设施方面的投资不足,造成运输成本增加,并损害中国和其它国家的国际竞争力。

    Asia is raising transport costs and damaging the international competitiveness of China and other countries by not spending enough on infrastructure investment , the Asian Development Bank will report today .

  4. 昨日美元因风险偏好情绪上升出现强劲反弹,今日美元在亚洲市场略有修正。

    The Usd corrected slightly in the Asian Session from yesterday 's strong rally on risk aversion .