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  • iron needle
  1. 每个飞镖由一个带着纸尾巴的空心铁针组成。

    Each dart consisted of a hollow steel needle with a paper tail .

  2. 人们制造了铁针,把这些铁针在一块磁石上摩擦,使它们具有磁性。

    People made iron needles and rubbed them on a piece of magnetite , so that they would become magnetic .

  3. 采用三种人工合成铁氧化物(针铁矿、赤铁矿和水铁矿)比较了结晶态和无定形铁氧化物对磷的吸附&解吸特性以及与磷吸附饱和度的关系。

    The differences of P adsorption-desorption characteristics of amorphous and crystalline iron oxides and their ( relation ) to P adsorption saturation were studied by using three synthetic iron oxides .

  4. 国内外湿法冶金中常采用黄钾铁矾法或针铁矿法等方法除铁,硫化沉淀法分步沉淀或较高pH条件下萃取分离镍、钴,不适用于常温、较低pH的生物浸出液。

    Iron was precipitated by the formation of jarosite or goethite . And sulfide precipitation or extraction of nickel and cobalt at high pH were used in the hydrometallurgy at home and abroad .

  5. 加入0.1%的Y时,初生富铁相由粗大针片状变为较均匀的花朵状;

    When 0.1 % of Y is added , the shape of primary Fe-rich phase is changed from coarse , needle-like shape to more uniformly distributed flower-like shape ;

  6. 针铁矿法沉铁通过在五个串联连续搅拌反应器中分别通入氧气和添加焙砂,使溶液中的铁离子以针铁矿的形式沉淀。

    In iron precipitation process , iron ions are deposited as goethite in five continuous stirred tank reactors ( CSTR ) in series using zinc calcine and oxygen .